Learn about the ruins of My Son Sanctuary

My Son is a place many visitors to explore, but it is not included in the tour schedule regular Danang travel companies specializing in organizing tours to Da Nang, nor because of that Holy Land My Son is not entirely known traveler, but not regularly organize tours to My Son but the tourist population phượt or frequent international travelers to discover this because this was the Holy Land UNESCO as a world heritage site in 1999, this heritage is also comparable with the modern heritage in South East Asia

My Son is located in an enclosed valley with spectacular mountain terrain, majestic architecture. Here, with more than 70 buildings temples of the Cham civilization crystallized in the permanent physical sequelae, contains the values of history, culture, architecture, art is created in a long time for 9 centuries (from the fourth century to the thirteenth century), are rated on a par with the famous monuments in Southeast Asia as Angko, Pagan, Borobudua.

History of My Son:
- 4th century, My Son Sanctuary is king Bhadravarman I built to worship the Shiva Linga and under the leadership of India and the architecture. According to history books, the document does not have a say in the formation of My Son, just rely on relics are the archaeologists found marked the era of King Bhadravarman I and marked the beer bath Ancient Sanskrit words, this emperor who ruled from 381 to 413 years is probably that which is said to My Son Holy Land in the 4th century, then the temple is built of wood.

- Top of the 7th century, the shrine was built brick by King Sambhuvarman (ruled from 577 to 629 years), so sit wooden temple was burnt in a major fires here and built a new temple and exists to this day.

- In late 7th century to the 14th century, the successive dynasties have repaired the old temple and build more new large and small tower to the gods. (Bricks and building materials from Champa engineering design of the towers so reliable, experienced so many centuries that still exists, this is the mystery has not been present scientists examined break).

- In 1694, after the Champa kingdom collapsed and ruined the My Son Holy Land has been forgotten.

- 1885, My Son was discovered by French explorers.

- 1898 -> 1899, two archaeologists Louis de Finot and French Launet de Lajonquere studied the inscription characters at My Son.

- 1901 -> 1902 archaeologist Henri Parmentier French study of art in this place.

- In 1904, Mr. Henri Parmentier and his group Olrpeaus contain archaeological excavations at the holy sites and to publish basic documents of My Son.

- Currently, the results unearthed in My Son showed Cham kings were buried here in the 4th century, the total number of buildings here is the 70 large and small towers. According to archaeologists My Son is the cultural and religious center of the Champa state of the country's capital as the Tra Kieu and Dong Duong.

If you have to go up to Da Nang is also My Son temples explore with longstanding cultural history of Champa, to know more about religious culture of the Cham Pa offline.

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