Sapa Discovery

Sapa is a mountainous district of Lao Cai province, a land of modest, quietly but hides many wonders of the natural scenery. Natural scenery of Sapa is combined with human creativity with the topography of hills, green forests, the paintings are arranged in a harmonized layout creating a scenic areas Superb romantic appeal.

Sa Pa Town as a city in mist fanciful, paint a picture painted marine charming. Here, have played an invaluable resource that is fresh cool climate, diverse nuanced. Situated at an average altitude of 1500m - 1800m, the climate is more or less back Sapa nuances of tropical origin, with average temperatures of 15-18 ° C. From May to August with much rain.

From the word "Sa Pa," Westerners can not pronounce, so to Sapa and they have two letters written in French as "Cha Pa" and a very long time people were called "Cha Pa" within the meaning of the Vietnamese.

But today the town of Sa Pa, before there is a muddy red water circuit, so the locals called "Hung Ho", "Hung" is red, "Ho" is age, the springs and streams of red.

Sa Pa with high Fan Si Pan peak 3.143m on Hoang Lien Son range. Call Hoang Lien Son, because only on this mountain celandine, a precious medicinal herbs, rare. Also the Hoang Lien is "mine" of precious wood species like common oil, including the birds, such as grouse, bears, monkeys, antelope and thousands of drugs. National forests Hoang Lien Son has 136 species of birds, 56 species of mammals, 553 species of insects. There are 37 mammal species recorded in the "Red Book of Vietnam. Hoang Lien Son has 864 forest plant species, including 173 species of medicinal plants.

Tours also include ancient churches in town and immediately go back to the town from the north east on the road to the monastery Ta Phin has been built near the stone hillside in a clear, cool. Through monastery walk three kilometers from north to Ta Phin Cave come with enough width may contain a number of medium-sized groups of troops. In many stalactites hang create interesting shapes like the first dance, the delegation seated, meadows, woods sparkle.

Especially in Muong Hoa valley has 196 islands carved strange shapes of the ancient inhabitants of thousands of thousands of years ago that many archaeologists have yet to decipher. Area antique engravings Rated national monument.
From Sa Pa town, go west about 12km along the way Lai Chau, we will meet with the Silver Falls rushing water line from 200m altitude on forming sound impressive mountains.
Sa Pa with 6 people and residents, each ethnic group has a distinct cultural capital with festivals such as Festival "POC forests" of Ta Van Giay, festival "Span San" (mountain bike) of Mongolia, ceremony "Year dance" of the Red Dao, all of which took place in May annual festival.

Sa Pa Market of conference sessions on Sundays at district (town of Sa Pa). People in remote areas to go from Saturday. On Saturday evening everybody happy together form with folk songs of boys and girls who Mong, Dao, by the sound of the Forum, the flute, praise Mongolia, with a bowl full of wine people age ... and they have set for it is "love market".

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