Ha Giang Travel Experiences

A border area called Ha Giang Fatherland not too distant, strange. Many local and foreign tourists choose this place as tourist destination. For those you have not moved much, Ha Giang travel experience is indeed a problem to learn.

Ha Giang Tourism brings many exciting experiences. Ha Giang beautiful not only by the majestic scenery, the roads winding endless, but it was beautiful by Beauty of Flowers and Love People. Flowers bloom all year round with the wonderful colors such as yellow gold of United Restoration, the Purple Heart Triangle Circuits, US white plum, and a special flower that is more "Flower Rock", a name I put when too much admire the blue gray, dark gray of the rocks on Dong Van Plateau. If you are a Dong Van market times, you will feel the Love The precious, the boys invite other alcohol to intoxication does not know the way back, their faces every goose but honest, and emotional . Only those who understand each other, each new quarter cup of corn exhausted. It has too many emotions to share with you about my trip. Anyway let's shelve and beautiful write detailed in a future article. First of all I would like to share some experiences of my tour of Ha Giang.

The main attractions in Ha Giang
I would like to list a few key locations when traveling Ha Giang, Dong Van market days Upland, Ma Pi Leng Pass, Lung Cu flagpole, their home Dinh Vuong Quan Ba Heaven Gate, the valley town of Quan Ba, roadside stops, the United Reform farming, white plum blossom garden. The high terraces stretches over the mountain back in Hoang Su Phi punishment. Depending on time and hobby that you should incorporate appropriate point type.

Ha Giang Travel by bus and motorcycle.
To move up Ha Giang you can take a bus the night, just tiring to save time. There goes the Ha Giang prestige vehicles like: With Chalk and Revelation, Hung Thanh, or Hai Van. You can find the phone number and find out more information about bus north here. Arrive Ha Giang you can rent motorcycles to visit the tourist attractions. Should spend 2 days riding motorcycles around a Ha Giang (derived from Ha Giang town and then back on the afternoon of the 2nd, return the motorcycle, traveling by bus on the night HN). Or maybe catch intercity bus from Ha Giang to Dong Van, rent car in question hostel (if traveling by bus this one will not be stopped at the point and Double Mountain Quan Ba Heaven Gate), motorcyclists will much more convenient. You can ask the car for the transportation of motorcycles.

Specifically, the first morning run from Ha Giang motorbike to Dong Van, on the way you stop at Quan Ba Heaven Gate Pass and on to Quan Ba, from here you can overlooking the town, marking the the beautiful photos. Lunch soon in Yen Minh, the journey to town and Sung City Admin Is (this is the second point of flowering plum beautiful and Restoration States, in town and all the roads entering the town again when offline, anywhere beautiful, stop pose).

 Also in Sung As you can visit the Pao, where filming Story of Pao, also quite impressed with the architectural style here. After playing at 2 this point you stop at home, surnamed Wang (this point can be played late afternoon), dark sleep in Dong Van. Evening hike Dong Van town, old town cafe or organizing exchanges. Day 2, if you go 2 days 2 days 2 nights then you visit Ma Pi Leng mountain pass and drove the Yen Minh - Ha Giang, on the go can stop more if scenic, timers remember driving to Ha Cabinet to keep up. If you go 3 days and 3 nights, 2 days drive away Lung Cu, flagpole and visit one of the Lo Lo ethnic, so go early to be able to play a lot. Early afternoon drive away Meo Vac, on the way stop at Ma Pi Leng Pass photography, dark sleep Meo Vac. Day 3 ride on the path of Ha Giang Yen Minh, I ride about conference guest.

Cuisine: try to drink wine and eat Thang Co Maize. Vietnamese Chicken Rice Restaurant 9 minutes in Ha Giang on Nguyen Van Ninh, about 500 meters from km 0.

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