Phu Quoc Travel Experiences

Phu Quoc Island also known as Pearl Island - is a fine list confirms excellent value acres of islands located in the Gulf of Thailand, an area roughly the Jade Island island nation of Singapore, the four seas surrounding eight directions, transparent in cool, fresh air. Phu Quoc is considered to be one of the most attractive point for the tour of South Vietnam.

Phu Quoc Island has a tropical monsoon climate with two seasons: the dry season from November to April the following year, the rainy season from May to December 10. The average temperature is about 28 degrees year round in cooler cool so you can be assured to Phu Quoc at any time of year. But the most ideal time to come to Phu Quoc is from May 10 to 3 (the sea is calm, the more beautiful, little rain

International visitors and tourists who often resort to focus on selected tourist town along Tran Hung Dao resort with best beach followed the town area. If you want Bai Dai beach, have some choice about how far resort but the center of Duong Dong.
Similarly, My Lan Bai Sao may resort, but somewhat isolated from Tran Hung Dao district and town center. Stay elsewhere but wanted to Tran Hung Dao beach must go beyond last dozen kilometers of new roads have beaches.

The holiday homes, hotels and resorts in the town of Duong Dong plentiful, including the area where luxury and affordable for a backpacker. Before booking you should ask if the hotel has a shuttle service at the airport or not, there is an additional cost not offline. In the high season you remember from 1-2 months in advance booking.

KNOWN attractions
Cau: Phu Quoc first to always visit Dinh Cau, people here like the concept of temporary residence declaration a few days on the island. As beauty is created between the cliffs and the sea and Dinh Cau always attracted many tourists visiting every day.

- Ham Ninh fishing village: retains the distinctions of the old fishing village, is the ideal place to enjoy the sunrise or sunset when to Phu Quoc.
Fishermen sale in Ham Ninh fishing village
Here also sell a lot of seafood can enjoy or buy as a gift. You can walk to the wharf to see the clear blue sea, especially when away one bit could see thousands of anchovies are swimming there again, very interesting.
- The picturesque tourist stream: stream are similes between 1 picturesque forest green trees, water gurgling streams through large rocks make up a beautiful picture. However, if the dry season, the water has no where. Go here, do not regret the money to buy some pants sipping fruit tasted sweet very strange anymore.
- Establishment of Phu Quoc fish sauce: we were quite surprised with the massive barrel system, can climb to observe, but it smells very characteristic. Self-discovery go offline!
- Garden pepper pepper pungent famous Phu Quoc have a darker flavor of pepper grown in other countries. The people are always friendly invites you to visit their silky green pepper plants.
- The Phu Quoc Ridgeback nurture: road 4.5 km from the center of Duong Dong to North Island, here we will visit the wildlife and the true characteristics of the breed are rare and famous.
- Phu Quoc National Park: a lot of interesting discoveries if program participants walk in the woods to enjoy the cool air, watched by countless vegetable gardens rich in this country.
- Nguyen Trung Truc Temple: How the East Ocean Oils Ganh 25km path, the temple was built in Phu Quoc people to remember where he - the hero of the nation.
- Nose Ganh oil, marine world Sightseeing Cambodia: sea promontory Northwest island attracts tourists by the unspoiled natural beauty and most characteristic. From here can be seen maritime border of Cambodia, much like everyone Oh!
- The roots exhibit pearl, cultured Pearls facility Vietnam Australia, Vietnam - Japan: Phu Quoc is endowed for favorable conditions for pearl culture, you will be shocked at the pearls beautiful iridescent when visiting.

In addition to these attractions, there are many short tours explore Phu Quoc so appealing that we could hardly ignore:
Every night there are a large number of tourists squid
- Squidfish: responding our patience to sit on the boat tossing colorful bunting drop into the sea and wait, will be the focus of fresh ink during fragrant grilled on charcoal grill, and sweet in broth is boiling ...
- Fishing: Experience the thrill when fishing in the sea, you will immensely enjoy their spoils processed and enjoy right on the boat. We had caught a lot of fish for one morning, you may want to join?
- Diving stargazing coral: to learn the beauty of the beautiful coral reefs in Vietnam superlative class. You can refer to Phu Quoc tour 3 days 2 nights coral diving.
- Explore national forests: for lovers of ecotourism, adventure. Imagine being immersed in the natural Jaccuzzi lake amid the green of the jungle, as nothing can cling leg.
If you have more time, when you discover the pristine islands, nose Ong Doi, Hon Dam, well Ngu ... Maybe you have to stay in Phu Quoc 1 month are too!

Phu Quoc paradise of fresh seafood

Diner Kingdom: The airport is less than 05 minutes Phu Quoc ride, located right in the center of Pearl Island, on 30/4 - Block I - The town of Duong Dong. Restaurant serves specialties of Phu Quoc as: rice crab, mushroom floor Tram and the breakfast dishes: seafood noodles, vermicelli crab, fried fish cake soup Thu, fried crab cake soup, dried pasta seafood.
Zen Restaurant: 30/4 Duong Dong town. Call under the plate with the dish: seafood salad, seafood rice quite cheaply from 35000-45000 VND / plate. Fractional or call me: grouper, shark, cobia, shrimp, crabs ...
Sea Wind Restaurant: Cape Ocean Beach - Shed Green turtles - Ganh oil. Serving traditional seafood dishes in Phu Quoc Island. The restaurant is also home to tourist attractions with beautiful white sand beaches and pristine North Island.
Vietnam Xua Restaurant: Hung Vuong - Duong Dong - Phu Quoc. Besides seafood of Phu Quoc Island, Vietnam Xua restaurant there are other typical dishes such as steamed shrimp with coconut milk, green mango seafood salad, fried squid shock salted egg, herring salad ...

Duong Dong market: the largest market in Phu Quoc, located near Dinh Cau, here sells a variety of fresh seafood Dried apricot border, in addition to the market also focused selling specialties of Phu Quoc in the morning as eggs sam, five noodle, fine flour noodles, fried fish soup, fried fish, Phu Quoc.

Banh Tet cake section leaves no pack-style traditional banana leaf wrapped in foil sections, according isosceles triangles. Apart from food stalls rich in Duong Dong Market is also available for dry type of fish, dried squid, wine sim for tourists buy as gifts relatives.

Phu Quoc, you can buy wine soaked raw walrus, mushrooms dry Melaleuca, left to soak mine crow drug alcohol. These are special only in Phu Quoc and many buyers as a gift. Fish sauce can be purchased at processing facilities Triumphal sauce - Hung Vuong street or order before they send their thanks.
Text Phu Quoc Phu Quoc pepper is famous for chassis, grains, spicy and tangy. On their way pepper Ham Ninh Duc Ninh garden, located on the right, black pepper ripe 200,000 VND / kg, white pepper ripe 260.000VND / kg.

Password sim: Only sim Phu Quoc has left forests. Phu Quoc is also different Sim sim hill palm Midlands North, Hon Gai, Con Dao, Ly Son ... So specialty honey myrtle is also meaningful gift. On the island of branded Sim paints quite famous, and luxury models. When buying from 2 bottles of honey myrtle or more (price 150k / bottle), the seller will crating free foam for travelers carry travel. Note that due to liquid honey myrtle should be sent in letters sent rather luggage notebook.

Dinh Cau night market: is held on the road about 500 meters to go to Mui Dinh Cau, fresh seafood and ornaments derived from the sea are two items here.
Exhibition area of origin: there are stalls selling jewelery made from pearls, souvenirs, handicraft products typical of the island.

Ham Ninh fishing village: there are specialties like walruses live soaking liquor, five hundred, drug alcohol soaked from the sea and left the mine pineapple crows and crab meat Ham Ninh famous Sure you can buy as a gift.

Market Thoi selling dried seafood such as shrimp, squid a sunny, dry fish anthem ...

Also attractive specialties such as mine Wine crow, chickens walk, herring salad, crab - Ham Ninh, crab rice, dry fish Thieu, Sea Cucumber, Nhum eaten raw with mustard, grilled and steamed. Do not ignore any specialties in this list then, worth trying.

The display base Pearl: galleries roots, galleries Pearl Ngoc Hien, galleries and establishments Pearl culture Vietnam - Australia, Base Pearl culture of Vietnam - Japan, you should buy pearls boys at the showroom in road Duong, which are cultured products in place and the price is also reasonable.

Some items are indispensable: personal items, sunscreen, swimsuits, shoes easy going, comfortable.
Seasickness when traveling by sea vessels: Sitting fresh air and have a vision, restrictive eating oily or acid, drink plenty of water.

Do not swim at noon, avoid soaking too long under water.
Tour squid fishing, fishing is not appropriate for you to have a history of motion sickness more.
The pearl products at purchase should carefully check the quality of products to avoid confusion.
If you rent a motorbike should check with little gasoline because gasoline trees along the way, to bring the hotel phone number in case of vehicle breakdowns, should help.

Should only go to those areas to tour operators, do not go into the forbidden forest areas or locations untapped.
On the journey to discover Phu Quoc National Park, you should wear long-sleeved clothing, sports shoes for transportation.

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