Halong Bay Travel

Halong Bay is a part of North Bay, including the waters of Ha Long City, Cam Pha Town and part of Van Don island district. Southwest bordering the Bay Cat Ba Island, east is the sea, the rest of adjacent land, with a coastline of 120 km, is restricted from 106o58 '- 107o22' east longitude and 20o45 '- 20o50' north latitude.

Halong Bay has a total area of 1,553 km2 including 1969 islands, of which 989 islands and 980 named islands not named. Isle of Halong Bay is the island there are two types of limestone and schist islands, concentrated in two main areas are the southeast (belonging to Bai Tu Long Bay) and south-west region (of the Ha Long Bay area) with age geological formations from 250-280 million years. Focus areas dense rock islands with spectacular scenery and many beautiful caves known as the center Natural Heritage Halong Bay, including Halong Bay and part of Bai Tu Long Bay.

Natural Heritage area is recognized worldwide with area of 434 km2, including 775 islands, such as a triangle with 3 vertices Dau Island (west), three lagoon pools (south), drain Island (west side east) area next to the buffer area and the national heritage by the Ministry of Culture and Information in 1962 ranked.

Halong is located in tropical climates, monsoons. Weather in expression four distinct seasons. The average temperature all year 22,80C. The average temperature in summer 26,40C, sometimes up 35,70C hottest. The average winter temperature of 200C, the lowest temperature when 4,20C. Annual average rainfall 2005.4 mm. Time rainfall (from 100 mm or more) is from May to August 10. From March to August was influenced by south- monsoon, bringing the general characteristics of a region is strongly influenced by monsoon northeast, had the characteristics of a tropical climate influenced by monsoon less than the southeast where the climate. Winter usually lasts 4-5 months, a shorter summer. Between the main season there are transitional months bring flavor of spring and autumn. Rainfall here is relatively much, from August to October is the rainy season.

Ha Long is also home to high biodiversity with typical ecosystems such as mangrove ecosystems, coral reef ecosystems, ecosystem components farming, forest ecosystems of tropical plants ... With thousands of species of animals and plants rich in undersea forest ... There are particularly rare species found only in this place.

Going between Halong, I doubt as to have a fairy-tale world petrified, islands are shaped like a person standing on the land, the island is like a dragon hovering above the water (Hon Rong), island is like an old man sitting fishing (Hon Mr. La Vong), Sail island, Fighting Cock islet, orientation ... The picture looks very real, real surprised. Hidden in the rocky islands that are beautiful caves as Thien Cung, Dau Go cave, cave stunned, the tam provision ...... It really is the castle of the Creator between earthly place .

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