Hoi An Eco Discovery

Hoi An as a painting rustic, simple and poetic. Whether day or night, Hoi An tourism has brought in the different charismatic beauty.

Since ancient times, was the site of Hoi An has inhabitants of the ancient Vietnamese and Cham neck, to the end of the sixteenth century and early seventeenth century was the capital city, boat wharf, bustling with trade. Many foreign traders such as Japan, China, England, France, Portugal, Ha Lanvv ... have come up injured prostitute, import and export business, make a living. Therefore the style of Hoi An is a combination of these factors, the indigenous style with stylish people originating from countries, which highlights above all of China and Japan.

Due to the policy of "seclusion" feudal state of Vietnam, to the late seventeenth century, Hoi An gradually becoming deserted, dreary. Both a crowded busy period, now only in ruins echo of the ancient city, is preserved intact, near the southern riverside town of Hoi An today.

Hoi An area of ​​about 2km2, including many old town narrow, short, different dissected like a chessboard. Special value of this relic is the presence of hundreds of ancient houses, one floor or two floors, ancient tiled roofs, attic gable, low heaving high standing from two sides of the street together. Houses made of precious wood here, with carved flowers, decorative bird house vv.Tromg horizontal couplets, scroll. Patio normally mounted "blister shell crab," the home front was the shop. The interior is quite deep, many rooted to the streets later, riverfront, where boats dock unloading merchandise. House tubular deep but still bright, cool, airy, thanks to "skylight" in the heart of the home. Season the water, many streets were flooded and had to use boats to travel.

Formerly the Japanese businessman, the Chinese to settle here rather crowded trade, and leave some temples, bridges and bars.

Pray God
Because the Japanese built across a small creek eat through out the Thu Bon River. Bridge 18m long, 3m wide, wave-style "upper part and lower overseas" above tile neck. Roofs covered bridge lasted 7 heart needs time, enhanced by two slender columns, under graft railing. High ancient background rainbow bridge up, paved walkway plank walk. Both sides need to honor, as shelves for sale. In the heart of North grumble on a small temple. Ministry door "upper duplex, lower the" top mounted with two eyes carved door, sophisticated separates the temple bridge. In North Stand riding statue temple badminton. Legend to do in three years to complete, since Monkey (monkey) to five Dog (dog), so the two bridge fitted monkey subjects (Body) and object (Dog) wood. The temple has recommended three horizontal image large letters "Lai Vien Kieu" last name by Lord Nguyen Phuc Chu bridge put in 1719 when he visited Hoi An.

In Hoi An Pagoda Midwives (temple Ms. Lei) Cham, Cham architecture, a lioness church enlightened. Go to Hoi An, in addition to visiting the old town you can visit the market, buy items handicrafts, marine paints your trench, visit areca garden, orchard, the garden green betel romantic seasons , rich in Mid Beach, a few hundred meters from the market via a bridge; Guests can visit the Great door and bathing. Pho Hoi An a UNESCO-recognized in the world heritage list in 1999.

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