The lotus symbolizes culture Vietnam

Existence from thousands of years along with the country's natural vegetation, the lotus is not only close friends but also be seen as symbolic culture deeply rooted in the mind of Vietnamese people.

Lotus has the scientific name Nelumbonaceae, sufficient draft species, natural habitat of the lotus in the swamp, pond, lake or shallow in flooded areas. According to scientists, rainfall has been on the earth approximately 100 million years ago. Currently there are two kinds of world gold lotus flowers (Nelumbonaceae Pers) in North and Central America and the red lotus (Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn) grew popular in many Asian countries and Australia. Summer is blooming lotus and lotus flavor buy soft can sometimes fly in winds up to several hundred meters away. In Vietnam, the lotus is close to your foursome (4 seasons): Thailand, lotus, chrysanthemum, apricot and ranks of "four gentleman" with spare, architecture, daisies.

Lotus is well suited to environments with tropical climate like ours. From north to south, it is present everywhere, intimacy and friendship with people like bamboo, banyan tree. If in the north, lotus bloom only in the summer, then in most southern everywhere year round blooming lotus petal seen, especially in the Plain of Reeds:

Reeds most beautiful lotus
Vietnam has the most beautiful name of Uncle Ho

In the heart of every Vietnamese people, the flower lotus symbolizes beauty bright, noble and pure nature of ethnicity. Therefore, the shower is always a great source of inspiration of poetry and art ... Perhaps, no person does not belong Vietnam knife song full of this philosophy:

In what beautiful dress with lotus
Green leaves, white flowers, yellow stigma chen
White gold is green cotton stigma
Nearly mud that does not stink of mud

Vietnamese people have felt the standard or "Near mud but does not stink of mud," live in mud but sen sen rise above marshy who exudes fragrance. Sen has a strong vitality and self strange properties of lotus is pure, immaculate. It symbolizes the friendly nature, elegant style, the spirit of "rising up" in every struggle of the people of Vietnam. Especially in Buddhist thought, shower enshrined and occupies a very important position. The spirit of "Residential Real infected bare ceiling", which is also the meaning of the lotus symbolizes the moral values, the purity and holiness, the maintenance and development of Buddhism, wisdom leads to Nirvana you. In the Buddhist architecture in Vietnam, Lotus always become iconic art. One of the typical architecture inspired by the lotus is the One Pillar Pagoda. According to legend, this temple was formed from a lotus dream of King Ly Thai Tong. Inspiration from dreams is kind of the psychological art Oriental peoples. Lotus-shaped temple, rising from the lake, only with "a column" a lotus stem. Here, the lotus is enlightenment, achieving clarity and liberation from the mud ...

Feel the exquisite beauty and significance of the lotus bar so high from the field rural location, from folk life, hidden deep in the subconscious of the Vietnamese people, the lotus has become the image of Vietnam on sky high. Vietnam Airlines (Vietnam Airlines) has officially selected six Golden Lotus symbols wing to connect Vietnam with other countries in this millennium.

Sen aromatic, excellent flavor to existence. Although rainfall in circumstances contained in it is delicate, pure, beautiful. It truly is the most iconic symbol for culture and manners of Vietnam humanities.

Lotus has both color and flavor and rise from the mud to its bloom has made this flower carries a special meaning. The lotus is present in almost all fields, from literature and art to architectural painting, and especially religion ... Buddhism is one of the world's great religions. For Buddhism, the lotus evident from the scriptures engraved place until the product worship, meditation posture, hands ... Almost permissible where there are Buddhist people will find there flowers sen, or in other words the lotus is a symbol of Buddhism.

The lotus is a flower with four more outstanding features of other flowers: 1. In the mud without pollution; 2. States and results in the same time; 3. Bees, butterflies Smoking take incense stigmas; 4. Women do not take showers for makeup as holster on his head. Do not shower contaminated by mud, so it is used as a symbol for the natural sensory qualities of the Buddha, more generally represents the Buddha.

In Buddhism, the lotus symbolizes the moral values, purity and holiness. Lotus also symbolizes wisdom Vietnamese. It expresses the desire enlightenment. In tantra mantra have Luc himself to be center stage of Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara day: "Om Mani Padme Hum" (Alma Ni Di Bat Red). In particular, Tibetan Padme means lotus flower, a symbol of wisdom Vietnamese, natural enlightened wisdom beyond siege of dualism.

Lotus in traditional notions in some cases are considered symbols of fertility, of creativity. It is thought that the flower of the plant genitals. This is absolutely correct in terms of biological and cultural, especially ancient cultures, while gender relations is also considered sacred, is probably the source of all things born. Handheld shower with its mirror contain seeds (lotus seeds) have been regarded as symbols of reproductive organs and lotus symbolizes prosperity, for Phuc, one of three optimal: Phuc - Loc - Life of the Chinese people.

In the historical Buddha Shakyamuni since birth until passing away, he was on the shower. This property represents the spirit of the enlightened ceiling infection probably born, and also symbolizes wisdom, the profound philosophy of Buddhism.

For the Egyptians, lotus represents oxygen. But for South Asia and the East, the lotus contain many negative factors, it is the figure of women. In the visual arts in Vietnam, we have seen the lotus is the seat of Buddha and the mascot in Paradise region (Land Buddhist) expression planes as leg, absolute quiet, void born, not destroyed . These people usually understand Buddhism Lotus with its veins as 84 thousand common melting method of a source, lotus stem and it is also the source of liberation, is the religion most go in one direction to convey the dharma integrate into life.

Since Buddhism appear to this day, the lotus with its meaning permeate into Buddhist consciousness. The philosophy seemed oddity life, shunning earthly life is the philosophy derived from the suffering of all beings. Buddha once said to his disciples, like ocean water only a salty taste, the doctrine of the Tathagata is also only a liberation. This liberation that is untied ties, the suffering, the obstinate, clinging etc. ... our life. As if the shower, grab the material is mud, muddy water but its flavor as warm hearts.

Lotus in the Buddhist symbol of truth. And the truth is the truth that reality in life. Socially and religion, lotus symbolizes the path "vivid incarnation" of Buddhism. It is often used expressions like "Residential Real infected bare naked" (Living in secular but not contaminated by earthly), or "Dharma legal world cup" (Dhamma not leave the worldly that is), or "Nirvana wanted to go to street life and death" etc .. In terms of philosophy, lotus symbolizes the same time Causal ...

Existence from thousands of years along with the country's natural vegetation, the lotus is not only close friends but also be seen as symbolic culture deeply rooted in the mind of Vietnamese people.

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