Communication in Vietnamese Culture

Find out a clear definition for a concept of social sciences & humanities is very difficult. There can only offer so-called defined by notions that instead of each person. Cultural communication is part of the overall culture to only communicate with relational culture of each person in society (to communicate politely, friendly attitude, open, sincere, demonstrating the mutual respect), is a combination of elements: words, gestures, behavior, attitude and behavior ...

1. In terms of attitudes to communication, we can see the characteristics of Vietnam's people just like to communicate, again just very shy.
As mentioned, the Vietnam Agricultural interdependent life and very serious about maintaining good relationships with all members of the community, the community is reason why Vietnam attaches special importance communication, and therefore enjoys communicating. The communication of this love shown mainly in two features:
- From the standpoint of the human host communicate with relevance Vietnam visit. Already close, then even met daily matter how many times, free time they visited each other. Visitation is no longer a need for work (as in the West), which is an expression of affection, gratitude and strengthen work relationships.

- With communication objects, the people of Vietnam hospitality. Having house guests, whether familiar or strangers, relatives or sisters, no matter how poor Vietnamese people everywhere trying hard to welcome thoughtful and well-sexual entertainment, guest amenities for the best, most delicious food: Arrivals the chicken, the salad did not, because the hungry years, not by hunger meal. This hospitality is increasing as we in the remote countryside, the remote mountainous region.

Simultaneously with the proper communication, Vietnam people have almost opposite characteristics are very timid - what foreign observers are often mentioned. The existence of two simultaneous conflicting personalities (like communication and the timid) stems from two basic characteristics of Vietnam's village community and autonomy. When in range of familiar community, a community where the people reigns Vietnam will show lởi flung, like communication. And when outside the community, before the stranger, where autonomy effective, the Vietnam would coy. Two personalities seemingly contradictory he gave no conflict because they express in different environments, they are the two sides of the same nature, the expression for flexible behavior from Vietnam .

2. Characteristics of gratitude marking important in communicating culture of Vietnamese people
In terms of communication relations, agricultural culture with the important characteristics have led people towards Vietnam do get emotional principles of behavior: the way Love is love / hate each ti relatives hate the concrete; Love each cau six additional three / six additional cau hate each into ten; Love each nine away as ten; Also love each tuber early round / fruit Sapindales hate each also distorted; Ask several things such masonry / one hundred seat also prescribe skewed by ...

If said generalize, the Vietnam retrieve the harmony of yin and yang as important but more prone to negative, then in life, people living with physical Vietnam have sex but more inclined to love: A cow with a reason not took the situation. The Vietnam always attaches importance to sentiment than anything else. Who must remember a little gratitude, somebody telling a little balcony as well to respect the teacher - the concept of "teacher" is opened very wide: the changing martial, healers, diviners, shaman, geography teacher , Wizard…

3. With the object of communication, people familiar favorite Vietnam can learn, observe, assess ...
Age, hometown, education, social status, family status (parents still living or not, has a wife / husband not, have children, little boys little girl ...) are matters of Vietnamese Men often interested. Popularity learn this habit makes foreigners have commented that Vietnam or curious people. This feature - though called by whatever name - as just a product of communal villages that out.

Due to the community, the Vietnam finds itself responsible to care about other people, but want attention, they must know the circumstances. On the other hand, due to significant emotional lifestyle, each communicating pair has its own form of address, so if there is not enough information can not be selected from the appropriate vocative. Know the personality, know who to choose from to suit Vocative: Select to send in gold; Depending face Say / sender's option. When not selected, the Vietnam adaptation strategies used flexibly: On election is round, in the long tube; Go with draped mallow, go with the dress code paper.

4. community in communicating culture of Vietnam
Community also makes people of Vietnam, in view of the subject of communication, is characterized by the honor: Good name than healed shirt; Hungry for clean tear for flavor; Buffalo leather deceased, people die for hours. Honor associated with communication capability: Sayings say leave traces, forming fame; bad words to the ear many people, created notoriety

Because of too much importance should honor Vietnam infected person artist impressions: In life all of the common, over an hour each hero alone; Bring water bell go punch people, not call in the name also beat three; An equal remuneration is not a contract bonus. In villages, habits Graduate expressed serious area through family tradition where the first person ttrung and continue share. Do honor (Graduate area), the old man can still loud together as pieces of food: A piece between the village with a corner kitchen sieve. Lifestyle honor generating mechanisms leading to rumors, create public opinion as a most effective weapon of the community to maintain the stability of the village.

5. On the way to communicate, the Vietnam delight delicate, considerate and essential harmony
Delicacy made Vietnam who has a habit of communicating "meandering Three Kingdoms", never opening endlessly, go straight to the problem as the West. Vietnam traditionally the start of the communication is to roll amnesty to complete, ask the farm gate. Just to put the push to create the traditional atmosphere betel is the story. With time, the "conversation starter" of "betel" is replaced by a cup of tea, tobacco thing ...

Access popular communicate subtle, discreet is the product of the important lifestyle and way of thinking in the relationship. It creates habit deliberate hesitation when speaking: Eating can chew, speak with think; Three new dogs lying around, people say three years; Knowing is sparse, did not know it based columns that hear; A wise man speaks halfway, to celebrate the half wild half lo ... The deliberation makes people consider Vietnam drawback is lack of assertiveness, but simultaneously keep the peace, not to offend Who.

Vietnam nice people laugh, smile is an important component in the communication habits of Vietnamese people; one can see Vietnam at both smile at least expect. Popular Psychology peace that people of Vietnam always advocated compromise: A nine fast healing; Husband and wife less angry words thilf, simmer rice have complicated way ...

6. The Vietnamese have speech etiquette system very rich
Firstly, there is the richness of our naming system: while the language of Western and Chinese only use the personal pronouns, the Vietnamese also uses a large number of nouns kinship to our naming and kinship nouns tend to dominate the personal pronouns. Vocative system has the following characteristics:

- First, the intimate nature of (the feelings), as people in the community as their relatives in a family.
- Secondly, the nature of a highly community - in this system there is no common words of address depends on age, social status, time, specific communication space: pay when ni, mi another time. Together the two men, the vocative have shown scenario is when two different relationships: pay-me, he-son, uncle-you, I-I ... Access call each child's name, my name, name of husband; by birth order (Both, Two, Three, Justice ...)

- Tuesday, demonstrates the skill hierarchy kuong: Vietnam who confess and profess humility coral reef under religious principles (calling themselves the humility, also called communication objects are revered). The same communication pair, but when they both claim to be children and to call each other sister. Respect, promote each other resulting in continuous abstinence nickname formerly known only to its own name when bicker; named child needs most is not the namesake of the superiors of the family, clan and society. So that the Vietnam formerly taboo issues continue entering part (in the name of the landlord who had asked to say if any action to the word, to speak deviate away).

Rite in polite parlance is also very rich. Do traditional sentiments and flexibility so the Vietnam without a word of thanks, sorry generic for all cases as the West. For each case there may be a way of thanking, apologizing different: I ask uncle (thanks when receiving gifts), Ms. attentive too (thanks to interest), Physicians presented drawing too (thanks to being reception), you turned too (thanks to visitors), You're too kind (thank to be commended), I was like today is thanks to her that (thanks to help) ...

Popular Culture stable agriculture, living space, focusing on Vietnam who distinguish carefully the greeting according to social relations and under emotional nuances. While Western culture distinguishes Popular activities carefully the greeting over time as saying 'hello, hello goodbye, good morning, noon, afternoon, evening ...

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