Vietnam culture imbued with national identity

Historians reach consensus on one point: Vietnam has a wide cultural community was formed in the large first half of the first millennium BC and flourished in the middle of this millenium. That community Dong Son culture.

Community cultural development was high compared with other contemporary cultures in the region, has its own unique features, but still many features of Southeast Asian culture, because of the common strains of Asian origin ( Southern Mongoloid) and wet rice civilization.

The different development path of the local culture in different regions (Red River basin, Ma, Ca ...) have converged with each other, forming the Dong Son culture. This is also the period of state birth "embryo" of Vietnam's first form of village communities and super village (to fight the enemy and build and maintain dykes rice), from which the primitive tribes developed into ethnic.

Cultural Stage Van Lang-Au Lac (near year end 3000 to 1st millennium BC) to the early Bronze Age, spanning 18 Hung kings, is considered the highest peak of Vietnam's cultural history , with typical creativity Dong Son bronze drum rice cultivation techniques and stable country.

After phase against Northern characterized mainly exist two parallel trends of Han Chinese and anti phase Dai Vietnam (from Century 10 to 15) is the second highest peak of Vietnam culture. Through the feudal dynasties independent state, especially with two milestones of the Ly-Tran and Le, Vietnam culture is a comprehensive rebuild and flourish quickly absorb the tremendous influence of Buddhism Taoism and Confucianism.

After the chaotic Le-Mac and Trinh-Nguyen divided the country, and since the reunification Xishan and territory, the Nguyen seeks revival based on Confucian culture, but because Confucianism has decay and Western culture began to invade our country. Prolonged until the end of the French colonial regime was the cultural intermixing between the two trends westernized and anti-Europeanism, is the struggle between patriotic culture with colonial culture.

Vietnam Stage modern culture is formed from 20-30 years of this century, under the banner of patriotism and Marxism-Leninism. With deeper integration into civilization modern world while preserving and promoting national identity, culture Vietnam promised a new historical peak.

It can be said throughout the entire history of Vietnam, has three overlapping cultural layers that coat the local culture, class cultural exchanges with China and the region, class cultural exchanges with the West. But the main characteristic of Vietnam's indigenous cultures through a firm should have not affected foreign culture assimilation, contrast and Vietnam also said use of the influence that enriched the culture of the nation .

Vietnam national culture emerged from a concrete living environment: a tropical country with many rivers, the meeting place of many great civilizations. The natural conditions (temperature, humidity, monsoon, water, water-rice agriculture ...) exert a remarkable impact on the material and cultural life and spirit of the nation, to the personality and psychology of Vietnamese.

However, social conditions and history are the dominant factors greatly to the cultural and ethnic psychology. So the residents along paddy fields, there are cultural differences between Vietnam and Thailand, Laos, Indonesia, India ... At the same cultural roots in Southeast Asia, but due to the dominance Han long term, along with the imposition of Chinese culture, Vietnam culture was transformed and bore East Asian cultural traits.

Ethnic Vietnam formed early and always have to make the war to retain water, which created a prominent cultural feature: a patriotism that penetrates and covers all spheres. The community element primitive origin early in the back, became the basis of development of patriotism and national consciousness.

Constant war, which is also the main reason that the history of social development taking into account extraordinary Vietnam, all the economic structures - war society often disrupted, trouble reaching climax the development of maturity. Also because of destructive war, Vietnam has virtually no cultural works monumental art, or if there is not preserved intact.

Vietnam consists of 54 ethnic groups living together in the territory of each nation a different nuance, so the culture of Vietnam is a unity in diversity. Vietnamese-Muong culture Apart from the typical, there are special cultural groups such as Ta-Nung, Thai, Cham, Hoa-Ngai, Mon-Khmer, Hmong-Dao, especially ethnic culture Highland kept quite rich traditions and comprehensive a purely agricultural society to stick with natural mountain forests.

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