Hu Tieu Mi Vietnam - Hu Tieu Noodles

Besides aromatic spicy satay noodles are all kinds of interesting, intriguing ink minced pork that visitors should not miss when traveling Vietnam land.

Noodles or rice noodles for the popular dishes of the southern provinces. This is quite easy to eat dishes with gentle taste, delicious. Here are some types of travelers to enjoy while traveling.

Satay noodles
Previously this dish popular in Chinese communities but then spread everywhere thanks to the spicy, sweet and salty blend difficult to refuse. Raw material processing are also Vietnamese goods with basil, coriander added. It is this that taste become close, with the taste of the masses.
Composition of a bowl of beef, price, star fruit sour ... broth fussy, complicated with 20 spices such as garlic, onion, ginger, lemongrass, anise, small anise, cinnamon, paprika, sesame rang ... create yellow, contrast, passionate fragrant. Please tasting steaks and sipped soft sweet warehouse tablespoons before enjoying the bowl to feel the deft and ingenious chefs.

Nam Vang noodles
Hu Tieu Nam Vang is considered multi-ethnic dishes as originating from Cambodia, created by the Chinese but mainly enjoyed by the Vietnamese.

How to do this dish is not too difficult. Fiber dry noodles before adding price poaches, shallot, minced meat and pig hearts. Pork bone broth, beets, carrots, grilled squid, dried shrimp chan later. Compared to many kinds, this dish is somewhat different than the complex aroma of garlic through fees.

My Tho noodles
Ingredients include a bowl full of sliced ​​meat, minced meat, bone, liver, pork and shrimp. The component parts are sprouts, onion, lemon, chili and soy sauce.

How to eat traditional broth chan but you can also try the dry food. At this point, fiber cake mix soy sauce, vinegar, sugar then add more onions, pepper, eggs. In doing so, often with strong flavor and sweetness than. Some places also add shrimp, pig hearts, chopped beef.

 Sa Dec Noodles
Not well known by two types of Phnom Penh and My Tho but noodles Sa Dec is still delights with special flavors. Soft cakes here, not friable, tough and sour. Pork bone broth and other ingredients include chopped lean meat, rolls, liver heart, scallions, cilantro and increased spending, a characteristic of Chinese reform.
Also, this dish is eaten dry. Then put the cake in the final, the top rated heart, liver, pig heart, shrimp, minced meat and then sprinkle a little soy sauce appealing.

Bone noodles
Only a large piece of bone, quail eggs, shrimp, boiled pork slices and little noodle salad but still favorite bone. This dish is considered by many as another version of Nam Vang noodle as simple components.
Tasty broth, meat, bones and sweet shrimp sluggishness. Yarn small cake but still soft toothpick necessary. To enhance the flavor, you should add a little chili and vinegar.

Ink noodles with minced meat
Ingredients include eating squid sliced, minced meat, onion and other vegetables. A special feature of this dish is the broth turbid because of egg and meat affected but charming sweet aroma cook from dry ink. The price of living as blanching vegetables, salad vegetables and daisies are components added for flavor.

When you eat, you should taste the broth before. This section does not smell fishy seafood from as many different kinds are quite attractive. Also, ink appealing crispy soft, not too small minced meat to diners still smell sweet.

Steamed noodles
The biggest difference of this dish is eaten in the disc. A yarn interest include bread, grilled meat, herbs, cucumbers, roasted peanut sauce and little. Some stores also add shredded pork, fried spring rolls, or shumai. The highlight of the dish is the sauce chan challenge from sugar, minced garlic and lemon pepper. When you eat, you just mix up is.

Fish noodles
This dish pie fibers of double thick noodles. Fresh catfish purchase of clean and then sliced. Broth from bones jar, type of marrow for sweetness and in. A full bowl of poached fish including cooked meat, garlic, greaves, onion, shallot leaves and other vegetables such as lettuce, price, peppers.
The raw materials are carefully selected and processed so cleverly appealing taste. Sure fish meat, fat. Sweet broth, mixed with light spicy pepper.

Pool noodles
The name comes from the lake noodle broth with added parts flour to a paste. But many people believe that this name had by dishes derived from Hunan Province, China.

This dish large and thick strands, almost like cake moist. Components tongue, heart, pig's blood. Broth spices include five-spice powder, cinnamon expenditures, octagonal and some other northern medicine. Part difference here is not to use meat. Therefore, this article is full of different dot.

Beef noodles
Among the categories, this is the dish with processing raw materials and the simplest way. The composition consists of fiber bread, beef, shallots and scallions. Depending on the store, but each bowl often with 6 or more employees.

The large, round piece of beef, there are two types of tendon and often. Increasing green scallions and onion scented eye make seductive sweet taste. A bowl looks quite monotonous but flavor is what makes any discerning customers always satisfied. You should be combined with other vegetables, the flavor will be much more charming.

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