Hue gentle dirt cake

Dirt cake is a simple dish, rustic people of Hue. Tiny plastic pie fragrant rice flour, sweet taste of shrimp sauce in the cup draw fire as people eating spicy broth to enjoy. Called the dirt cake, simply because of its shape thin, plump as dirt farm could also be a play on words of the folk because it is very measly price so. Although simple but dirt cake became famous specialties of Hue which one to Hue also must enjoy equal is determined.

The main ingredients are rice flour pancake batter. Want the dirt cake flexible, soft and delicious, the baker must choose new paddy rice was fragrant incense. The rice is washed, soaked in water for several hours before being milled. Rice after grinding to a fine powder, mix in a little mechanic water to powdered liquid but retains certain plasticity.

After you have finished the meal preparation, workers poured the cup cakes are about children fist into a steaming grill, the dough into each cup and steamed. For the cake does not stick to the bowl when ripe, workers often apply a layer of oil on the cup before pouring powder into. Want cooked evenly and white milk, during the steaming soup to a big fire, if small fire, boiling water is not enough, the cake will be somewhat raw, not cooked every meal.

A key component adds to the beautiful, delicious to share sensitive color wheel dirt is made from shrimp brick fire. Making fire shrimp is quite simple but no less time-consuming. Purchase the cleaned shrimp, cooked, peeled off the shell, for the meat into very fine farewell. Heat the pan on the stove, the shrimp were crushed in and fire them until smooth and dry roasted shrimp is.

Pieces dirt cake is delicious thanks to fire shrimp and sauce in particular. This sauce is prepared from fish sauce, mix it with fat, sugar, garlic and chili. This sauce is salty brewing not, nor is light, it must be a little bit sweet and full aroma arouse awaken the sensitive soul.

Coming to Hue dreamy, you can enjoy a dirt cake Hue everywhere, but the most interesting is still sitting in the small restaurant with bold "quality" Hue, leisurely enjoying each pie and listen Smooth lullabies. The Hue told, eat dirt cake here that fast food will never see all the delicious, the sweetness of the cake. In contrast, eating dirt cake Hue is to eat slowly, chew, then, will you feel all the essence of gift Hue familiar ground.

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