Miet Vuon Tourism

Farewell to the city hustle and bustle with noisy and boisterous, temporarily put aside the work had barely finished or unfinished for many problems, temporarily away from the heat and smoky dust, ... Come to the charming natural and romantic, to the orchards laden with fruit, to be stepped stroll the lovely small way, to breathe fresh air, to enjoy countless types nutritious delicious fruits, ... and to hear the voice of the peace sobbing of Origin gardens.

About Tien Giang - Visitors hick Cai
Considered ecotourism is quite attractive, not noisy and bustling, only tranquility and simplicity, Tien Giang - the land of "promise" attracts many visitors from near and far-stop. About Tien Giang Cai had gardens, enjoy the fresh air, enjoy a wealth of delicious fruits, ... All will be an unforgettable experience for your trip.

Farewell to the city hustle and bustle with noisy and boisterous, temporarily put aside the work had barely finished or unfinished for many problems, temporarily away from the heat and smoky dust, ... Come to the charming natural and romantic, to the orchards laden with fruit, to be stepped stroll the lovely small way, to breathe fresh air, to enjoy countless types nutritious delicious fruits, ... and to hear the voice of the peace sobbing of Origin gardens.

About Tien Giang - Visitors hick Cai
Considered ecotourism is quite attractive, not noisy and bustling, only tranquility and simplicity, Tien Giang - the land of "promise" attracts many visitors from near and far-stop. About Tien Giang Cai had gardens, enjoy the fresh air, enjoy a wealth of delicious fruits, ... All will be an unforgettable experience for your trip.

Being in favor of natural, year-round bait is fertile silt embankment and canals system, so that this land is rich fruit which provides much of the country and for export.
Visit the gardens Cai, besides the chance to enjoy a variety of specialty fruit, you also have the opportunity to soak in the fresh nature, feel the fresh air and open space, or put back on the hammock ; Sightseeing orchard laden branches and enjoy great sleep ...

Orchards in Vinh Kim - Tien Giang
Situated in Chau Thanh District, Tien Giang Province, orchards dollar is known for the branches laden with fruit garden, and the mention of Vinh Kim must have been impossible not to mention breast milk blacksmith. Breast milk or breast milk Lo Ren Vinh Kim Lo Ren's name was called as a tribute, thank you sent to the smithy workers - who have managed to successfully breed varieties delicious apples for land present.

Visit Vinh Kim on sweltering summer days, when the sun has become more acute, there is nothing more interesting when we stopped in breast milk lush garden, enjoying the delicious fruit apples, sweet in laughter of the people of her land. Not only that, in dollars, in addition to breast milk delicious fruit, you are spoiled for choice can enjoy a variety of other specialty fruit of the waters here.

My Khanh gardens (Tho)
Indeed, Tho beautiful and poetic the morning fresh and airy, in the bright sunshine gradually ... Still canals, still the largest country to tides, remained peaceful and simple casual, but land back Tho discovered a very particular beauty; the beauty of the gentle, loving and incredible simplicity.

As one of the famous tourist park of Can Tho in particular and the South in general gardens, My Khanh orchard with an area of ​​about 4 hectares; between 2 Cai Rang floating market and Phong Dien with the richness and diversity of fruit species, will be the ideal place for you to stop and enjoy specialty fruit waterways.
Besides you will enjoy a wealth of fruits such as mango; Mangosteen; durian; rambutan; ..., here you will buy more fruits and affordable to bring back as gifts for relatives.

Hick Cai Mon (Ben Tre)
The most famous Made in Cho Lach, was magnificent garden with lots of fruit, to Cai Mon garden in any season, especially in April and blooming in May, to Cai Mon, you will enjoy the smell Aromatic separate minutes of spreading the roadside.

Not only that, you can admire the green grapefruit are left hanging in the tree, the red fruit rambutan beam between a corner of the sky, ... or take a beam handy with plum sweet to savor, enjoy yourself in natural scenery was beautiful of flowers, and of the "world of fruits". All will be a really interesting experience only when you go to the country hick.

What To Eat in Cai Mon - Ben?
A land famous for its delicious delicacy attractive, easy to get into the mind, look Cai Mon, visit Ben Tre, you do not miss the opportunity to enjoy the specialties as:
- Green skin Grapefruit Two States
- Yellow rice durian Chin Hoa floaters and many other fruits such as mangosteen, rambutan, guava, plum, ...
- Coconut, Ben Tre coconut candy
- Mouse coconut, coconut sugar, etc ...

Orchards in Vinh Long
Nực with branches laden orchards, green four seasons and rich, Vinh Long - land of Binh Hoa Phuoc rambutan beam delicious, this area is also known for Roi pomelo or Hoa Loc mango, ... is the ideal destination for you after days of hard work.

Not far from the Ho Chi Minh City, the Vinh Long on the lower will be your day will be a break in the open space of the garden, the river, enjoying many types of sweet ripe fruit. Free walk around the garden, feeling the cool weather without toil, enjoy the sweet taste of that fruit rambutan, mango and pick up the pieces of gold and sweet nursery ... That, that would be difficult memories forget your best trip.

Trung An orchard - Cu
Trung An orchard - places to enjoy fresh fruit and ideal for those who love peace with nature, away from the noise and bustle of the town, and especially afraid of "scene" car seat too long.

Only the city center. HCM is about 40km drive, not spending too much time, you have to be Trung An orchard with simple back, not to pour too much sweat and health in the process of moving. A lush orchards with many delicious fruits, a cool breeze was blowing up from the vast Saigon River, a little exciting to grab some fruit stems, or a bit surprised by hospitality Guest of garden owners ... So all tired and the pressure of work, life seems to vanish before.

Hick Long Khanh (Dong Nai)
Not too spend your time funds, but still brings a fun weekend and warm, and the experience is quite exciting to be close to nature, away from noise and smog.
Not far from HCM City, Long inauguration featured gardens with garden red ripe rambutan roadside, with the mangosteen tree laden with fruit, and faintly in the wind charismatic aroma of durian ...

Southern hick Children (Lam Dong)
As the gateway to the south lane of Lam Dong, Da Hoai District Southern hick with Children made new attraction for visitors from near and far to be visited and enjoyed many delicious fruits here.
Nam Nhi - another name of Ha Lam, Da Hoai, Lam Dong, where the garden red ripe rambutan, jackfruit groves; strawberry garden or delicious durian, seems enough Footbinding all visitors. The tourists come here than to be enjoying many juicy fruits, also unwind and relax in the quiet of the mountains, the freshness and tranquility of nature, or feel the difference compared to other romantic dreamy Da Lat, feel the friendliness of every word to eat; voice or way of life of residents.

Hick Lai Thieu (Binh Duong)
The City is about 20km to the east, next to the green channel flow, ecotourism destinations Lai Thieu hick up with the beauty of the peaceful and homely, charming scenery with the green orchards fresh, straight roads; crept around the gold fields awaiting harvest nursery.

These twisty roads, small trails take you to the foot of lush gardens, rich and cool, I'll no longer little tired or worried when you come here, come to peace and to those who are casual.
The jokes, the laughter the pleasure, the true steps andante to hear sobbing my heart, to listen to his heart remembers fondly on childhood experiences century.

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