The Space of Gong Culture - Vietnam 

Highlands gong culture Heritage sexism time and space. From the categories and methods for recording, payroll and scales to all the systems and performing arts, we'll see what's a multifaceted art range from simple to complex, from small to many, from single to multi-line route ...

Space of gong culture spread throughout 5 provinces of Kontum, Gia Lai, Dak Lak, Dak Nong, Lam Dong and owner of various special culture are residents of Central Highlands ethnic groups: Bana, Xedang , Mnong, Coho, Romam, Ede, Jarai ... Gongs closely connected with the lives of the Highlands, is the voice of the spiritual, the human soul, to express joy, sadness in life, in employees and their daily activities.

Gongs are musical instrument copper alloy, which when mixed with gold, silver or black copper. Is the type of nipple gong, gong no knob. This instrument has many sizes, from 20cm to 60cm in diameter, maximum kind from 90cm to 120cm. Gongs can be used alone or used in staging, set from 2 to 12 or 13 units, even where between 18 to 20 units.

Highlands gong instrument is unique, distinctive and diverse. Highlands gong orchestras take stairs natural sounding as the basis to establish their own scales. In it, each payroll of each ethnic group are composed of 3 negative ladder, 5 or 6 basic sounds negative. But capital is gong polyphonic instrument, besides basic sound always comes a few consonants sounded different. Consequently in fact, a 6 gong orchestra will give a minimum of 12 or more negative. That explains why the timbre gong sounded full and deep.

About the origin, according to some researchers, the gongs are "descendants" of rock above. Prior to co-culture, the ancients sought to stone tool types: rock gongs, gong stone ... bamboo, then to the Bronze Age, copper gong new ... From the early, gongs were beaten up in celebration of rice new, down to brass; expression of beliefs - a means to communicate with the supernatural ... All festivals of the year, from the ear blowing ceremony for newborns to leave grave ceremony, ritual gutters, new rice celebration, ceremony closed repository , buffalo sacrifice ... or in an anhydrous hearings ... must have known as second gong to connect people in the same community.

According to the opinion of the Highlands, behind every gongs, gong does not contain a god. Gongs are more ancient power of the higher gods. Gongs also valuable asset, a symbol of power and wealth. At the festival, pictures of people dancing around the ring sacred fire, inside the wine jar gong sound echoed in the mountains, giving Highlands a romantic and fanciful. Gongs thus contributing to the epics, poems cultural shift Highlands bold and romantic, just magnificent.

In most ethnic groups, gongs are dedicated instrument for men. That is the case of ethnic groups like Gia Rai, Ede Kpah, Ba Na, Xo Dang, Brau, Coho ... However, there are ethnic groups, both men and women can use, such as plating, M'Nông . Particularly few as Ede ethnic Bih, only new women play gongs.

Highlands gong culture Heritage sexism time and space. From the categories and methods for recording, payroll and scales to all the systems and performing arts, we'll see what's a multifaceted art range from simple to complex, from small to many, from single to multi-line route ... which reserves all its historic layers evolution of music from very early times. here, all values ​​are in art relationships and differences, personalities determine areas of art. And, with the rich, unique and diverse from whole to part, can claim a special position of the Highlands gong music in Nontraditional Vietnam.

Music of the Highlands gong present level gifted players in the application of skills and skills gong hit manipulated. From payroll to the tune gong orchestra, play, presentation, people even without training schools have shown the great virtuoso playing. For the Highlands, gongs and gong culture is an invaluable asset. Highlands gong music is not only an artistic value has long since been affirmed in social life but also the crystallization of soul mountain rivers through generations. Highlands gongs are not only significant in terms of material as well as the value of art alone, but also the "voice" of the human and the divine in the sense of "animism".

On 25/11/2005, space of gong culture in Vietnam has been officially recognized by UNESCO as a masterpiece of intangible cultural and oral traditions of humanity. After Hue Court Music, Central Highlands gong heritage is intangible second Vietnam is praised as world heritage.

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