Tourism and gastronomy Mai Chau

Mai Chau Tourism attracts tourists by beautiful natural scenery simple, rustic and poetic lyricism besides the specialty dish bears a unique culinary culture, diversity of ethnic groups in this place, especially the Thai people. All natural scenery, attractions, cuisine or the people here have been increasingly attracting domestic and foreign tourists to explore.

Go to Mai Chau tourist destination where visitors can not be ignored and the first point that tourists were arriving Lac village. It was the capital of the Thai people, in addition there are other Lac village Pom Coong, Texts, Na Mo, The Step, Na Meo ... also discover interesting attractions for visitors arriving Mai Chau tourism.

Besides the gorgeous sights in Mai Chau is the village, traditional houses, the caves here are also the attractions that visitors can not miss the next Meizhou as Mo Luang Cave (near right Mai Chau Lodge), Hang Chieu (climbing more than 1,000 stone steps) and guests can visit the market in Mai Chau to discover daily life and buy souvenirs, or enjoy specialty here.

Mai Chau has many famous specialty, captivates many tourists as rice, sesame, sugarcane grilled pork salty, chicken hill, upland rice, multicolored, penny coin dot boiled sesame, hill chicken, fish baked banana leaf, forest honey, bamboo shoots ... And little alcohol concentration of alcohol Mai House with sweet fragrance, passionate will make you stupor, drunk interesting content.

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