Beauty Hanoian

Hanoi says about people, people usually remember the two verses: There may well jasmine fragrant / Though not elegant and Trang An. Images of Hanoi is always connected with traditional cultural beauty of the land of thousands of years of culture capital with its own characteristics. But before the change of modern life, the elegance of the capital Hanoi was also somewhat faded ...

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Living on the land is a convergence, integration of cultures, people of Hanoi is conditional osmosis, distilled beauty and shine of dignity, soul. What bar, the beauty of old Hanoi expressed in standard voice pronunciation, gently; casual attire, graceful; communication style humility and hospitality; eating bar scene, calm, "top price double bite" but equally quintessential, stylish bags made famous dishes, become specialty menstrual place like pho, bun thang, fried fish, round nuggets. .. Hanoi also offers traditional beauty of culture, literature bold of Thang Long, the convergence of the four I's leisure wear, with landmarks went into poetry generations.

Along with the growth of the capital, modern big cities, Hanoi strong change in all aspects. The Hanoi-style modern, confident behaviors, young people manipulate solid scientific achievements and technologies in learning, research, trading, manufacturing ... "old Nep" is still there but the jar fell further, not so much the funeral or marriage cumbersome costly; rituals, customs, attitudes, family, relatives, neighbors and simple town, more open ...

Besides, the reverse of the process of expanding exchanges and integration also has a significant impact. Saw the waning of cultural behavior, ethical, traditional elegance through many expressions in everyday life in all classes and the environment. It's fashion style hybrid, "cool", objectionable rampant, in all schools; lack of cultural communication in the workplace, in public or killer instinct, swearing at the age, gender. As the corruption of morality and lifestyle of the family and the school, in relationships between children and parents, teachers and students, which led to many unfortunate consequences. Trends dabbled ridiculous, differences in perception and loving life, enjoying the culture, spirit. The sense of hygiene, environmental aesthetics, polite and civilized behavior in public places lower, which phenomenon is typical image scramble crowd flower cherry blossom festival in Japan at Expo Centre Vo or break work both sides splendid city Sword Lake a few years ago ...

Notably, the traffic culture and cultural tourism has long been a problem "hot" of public opinion through the images often seen on the streets of Hanoi at rush hours and motorcycles had filled out sidewalks, everyone goes strong, violating traffic rules occur frequently, collision incidents can also cause crime; phenomenon "tight guillotine" bluff going on the street every day, one-cylinder in the old quarter of Hanoi tarnishing the image of Vietnam in the eyes of international travelers ...

According to the review, assessment of Hanoi Party Committee, the process of cultural development, construction and people of Vietnam in Hanoi 30 years, especially 10 years ago took place in the context of opportunities and challenges interleaving. In the development of market mechanisms, inevitably there is time, there is place for economic pursue profits, pragmatic lifestyle trample on the moral values, the values ​​of the good traditions of Hanoi ... Preventing the degradation of political ideology, morality and lifestyle of a number of cadres, Party members and people is limited; Movement cultural life establishments where largely in the form of ... In general, building work Hanoi civilized, elegant is not commensurate with the requirements of cultural development of the Capital. That reality is not just "blame" exclusively by line transfer to Hanoi massively populate the years and the impact of market economic downside but also an important cause of certain shortcomings in the areas of governance economic justice, culture and education of a turbulent period.

For many the solution is given by the managers and cultural studies, have some perspective as to continue concretizing featured on Hanoi elegant, civilized; regular dialogue with citizens, surveys, studies the shifting values ​​and behaviors between generations in order to find solutions. Construction culture from Hanoi to speech or, good job, nice behavior, so in addition to propaganda, reward good examples, good job also requires financial institutions to prevent, handle lack of cultural behavior, incompatible with tradition.

And what is especially important is the role of educational elements in family, school and society.
Recently, the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism in Hanoi said that the fourth quarter will be issued a code of conduct in the agency, unit residential community on the city. Along with many other solutions of all levels and sectors, hope the guidelines and policies on cultural fit, complete will add strength to Hanoi continue preserving and reinforcing traditional shine.

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