Highland markets SaPa

Sapa is impossible not to take a moment to visit this district market, the fair usually meets on the weekend but today for most days of the week you can see the busy bustling scene of a regional fair high at Sapa.

At Sapa, administratively placed for a district of Lao Cai province and district town of the district. Why Sapa is the marketplace that are not in other surrounding areas? Explanation for this is because Sapa was in the node, the heart of the village in the region towards the valley at the foot of Hoang Lien Mountains. This is the junction of the road from the village area is located in the valley in the north as Ta Giang aneurysm, The chamber empties into the southern villages like Ban Ho, Suoi Thau, Ta Van, Lao Chai ascent. In a large area, the most convenient place for most of the focus on commodity exchanges, then there would appear fair.

It has been suggested that the former meeting Sapa market above a sandy beach along the banks of streams located in the commune of about 8km from the town of Sapa in Lao Cai side, then this new market moved to this town. So has the town of Sapa and Sapa have communal. One may argue that the ancient sands marketplace is a vast land with sand walls extruded from the bottom up and is site of the soccer field in the center, in front of old church Sapa. Displaced population to another, which is the current Sapa. From the road to Lao Cai, immediately place a large ad panels segments of the Victoria hotel, overlooking a valley on the right is the communal copy of Sapa Hmong.

According to ethnic traditions in Sapa Market five days a humanoid version plains. After then, when the French come here, the Western calendar, turn to the weekend for convenience. The Dao often the Sapa market on Saturday night, evening their stay the night at the market and singing all night until morning. And Sunday morning, the market to purchase and return copies. And the Hmong new Sunday morning shopping, but gradually they imitate the Dao, from Saturday afternoon, evening dancing and singing trumpeters then delivered coast to New Market on Sunday morning. To this day he remains routine and sapa market still has the shadow of the Dao more. On Sunday morning, the roads leading to the town, one sees many knives from the forward market and then goes against the Hmong people from the market.

As many old people here said. Once upon a winter fun Sapa market. Outdoor Market on a meeting shortly wide beach. Horse riding or leading men, shoulder strap and a waist tie hackbut knife wrapped in bamboo box. They find a place to tie the horse and do not forget to remove the grass bag carried on horseback to give it chew, because the fair is long. One pack on his back mushrooms, wood ears, firewood, rice, corn, carrying bamboo cane, thatch and wood trunk both to the market in exchange for meat, salt, sewing, fabric ... When has the appearance French, they have built a market very large timber, sawn Pomu thin wooden roofs as roof type Hmong, on the land of concrete street market today. A left-hand corner of the market where forced horse, still in place now is the sequence vegetables trough for horses eat horse called overflow. Little further down the path leading to Cat Cat and flowers overseas blocks.

At the fair, not just what Sapa, Bac Ha as fair, Cau, Coc Ly and Muong Khuong, Tam Duong ... in scattered districts of Lao Cai province, ethnic bring their products to market exchange trade exchange, they boast of their own products put sweat into. This could be seen as showing how skills and occupations of the girls and women of the nation, of the resourceful woman. For hiking away from the village in the valley sucking pig chasms, the girls had to stay overnight in the town awaiting the next morning returned. Of course there is the chance of accidental boys and girls met and when markets melted, the stall closed, the boy was sitting she stood fumbling conversation wait until morning.

This occasion was also an opportunity for the village boys to express their artistic talent to carry off. It's about the quality of purchase, barter, subsistence work weekends to phenomena extend love and to get married, the fact that many couples have formed many families are held, students offspring than male ones, derived from the market. Many remote villages so people often arrive Thursday afternoon market. When the driver's sun shade, the village girls and boys at the hustle of the market. The girls in beautiful costumes and the most fresh, fragrant indigo, with brightly patterned strip, increasing the beauty of the mountains. The boys were drawn flutes, reed lips blowing some familiar folk songs. When night falls, the warm humanity flame or under the trees near the market, singing tunes sounded. At first they were singing collectives after the split pairs apart eat cooed sentiments, expressing feelings of love.

Along with the development of tourism of the current Sapa Sapa market situation is not retained as old beauty again, this is also the downside of tourism development does not come with the conservation of cultural heritage , Europe also is a sad thing.

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