Experience Climbing Fansipan

Phanxipang peak climbing is an adventurous type of tourism, with a height of 3.143m compared to sea level along the way you will encounter many difficulties, so to join this journey you need to have a very good health prepare adequate supplies of essential and indispensable element is that people Road. After the practical experience as well as organizing for delegations climb Fansipan peak we would like listed some suggestions and experience for your reference:

1. The weather factor: Low temperature, very commonly wet weather, fog this affects a lot of moving on a steep and mountainous terrain, your exciting, beautifully photographed, mosquitoes squeezed will appear ... so before deciding trip You should see the weather forecast of the area north and west of Sapa.

2. The health factor: Before climbing about 3-5 days you should exercise, exercise such as walking, yoga, jogging smoking restrictions ... Especially well prepared and comfortable , happy. If you invite more intimate friends and climbers will make a very good team spirit. Remember to bring some diarrhea medicine, cold medicine, oil and wind, medical alcohol, cotton, bandages, sorghum and some candy paste Salonpass bring high nutrient content as chocolate, candy tonic fat, high ginseng tea hot, sunscreen

very difficult journey so arduous You should not have your subjective good health but his legs did not go well at first but after a normal way 2 - 3pm start feeling sore calf or knee idea as well can not go this time the most important thing is to be very good spirit to affirm that I will climb to the top and leave for 5 minutes foot massage and massage oil is not to pay attention long stay too will born lazy. Self-care to know, I should not be discouraged mobilization location and rely on other people to affect the group. Where really can not go forward, it must be back spot waiting group return but "must remember to eat less." Doctors advise that people with cardiovascular disease, hypertension, respiratory failure, pregnancy should not climbing, the day before climbing to eat enough nutritious enough vitamin C, drink enough water restrictions beer wine and enough sleep is important 7h / day.
* For those who are taking long day remember to take medication during the trip.

3. If you manually type: Always select a guide fluent terrain, enthusiastic people can be Hmong or the local guide in Sapa, the better but slightly higher costs. Prepare tents because along the way there are two overnight races at altitude 2.200m point temperature at this point in the winter usually about 8-10 ° C in the summer about 12-15 ° C, the other at a height of 2,800 m is about 1-5oC summer winter around 10-15oC. Depending on the health of you apply for itinerary (2 day 1 night) or (3 day 2 nights). If you go (2 day 1 night) then usually sleep at an altitude of 2,800 m. If you go (3 day 2 nights), the night 1 bedroom 2,200, 2 nights sleeping at 2200 and return by road Sin brushed it more beautiful. Each point is often just sleep sleep 15-20 people. So with the holiday guests can go much will all sleeping areas. So you should bring a sleeping tent, sleeping bag for sure about your sleeping quarters. Tents sleeping types - types for 2 people, 3 people, 10 people ... depending on the number of people in your union. If you go with girlfriends, wives, it is best to sleep men and women separately to ensure their health.

These types of tents, sleeping bags though this material by light, compact very warm and ventilated so insects can not enter. In the tent often strip a thin rubber pads sponge, 1 sleeping bag, air mattress with a pillow top or avoid back pain so you can be assured of restful. These apply if you join Ciao Tours and Travel Asia, we will provide you full from AZ. Also if you want to recognize achievements in the certificate has conquered Mount Fansipan, the company will make you free. You should buy insurance before climbing to avoid these risks because the risks when climbing is quite high.

4. On food: Eat cooked food drink boiling bringing simple but nutritious lightly as the vegetables grown in Sapa. Breakfast usually carry noodle packs, packed in plastic bowl instant noodles outside the supermarket shelf, Coffee, ginger tea is best, bring lunch to eat bread with boiled egg kind Baget, cucumber tomato or butter, jam, cheese. Normal cooking dinner. You remember to bring napkins, toothpicks, toilet paper, fruit paring knife ... Remember to bring some fruits have high nutritional content such as tangerines, oranges, mangos ... to eat along the way to regain strength.
Each one is about 3-4 small water bottle. Drink water as much time sipping drink no bloating will be difficult to move and root abdomen. When tired to breathe through the nose to the lungs and exhaled support oral will keep better endurance.

5. equipment needed to climb Fan: General requirements are: Lightweight warmth when cold, exhaust heat, scratch-resistant, easy to move, sweat absorbent, waterproof, anti-squeeze, insects.
Hiking shoes have many types depending on the weather that we choose appropriate footwear. If the weather should choose the best of the team for this kind of product is easy to move to open not sweating feet, rope around his neck and ankles very closely to make sure, should choose shoe size fit your foot is turned legs sore feet, soft soles and good friction when moving this kind of sold lots and cheap Sapa.
Appropriate footwear is the type of leather, high neck (above the ankle a little bit), prickly rubber grip (grip ice better than plastic). Should choose shoes under the criteria of "reliability - traction" set up.

6. Sticks climbing: There are many types like light metal bats, with elastic springs, adjustable short lengths vary according to your height and re deeply backpack when not needed very good This kind of expensive to reduce costs You can hire in Sapa, the other type is the common type of bamboo sticks on forest aging characteristics inelastic sure you can get firmly on the road poster.

7. Waterproof Shoes: Very annoying especially with cold weather and when the shoes are waterproof inside. Waterproof shoes can help you wade through the shallow water, depending on the buffer layer beneath the skin and the body associated with shoe fastener anywhere. To protect against water, layers of shoe leather coated with a waterproof sealant.

8. Gloves: Yes rubber spikes, this kind of thin very comfortable to do things like take photos, clinging to the mountainside, twigs ...

9. Wrap the ankle, knee: An elastic bandage tube segment, is effective for fixing tendons, ligaments, muscles ... from sprains or muscle relaxants during your shift. Most types of pillow covers are sold in only one size, not adjustable tension, and not very suitable for activities such as folding legs climbing excessively. Also most of this kind are made of polyester and rubber star, long legs squeezed easily cause skin irritation. So too tightly wrapped up the knee movements difficult, even stop blood flow. Ankle wrap heels openings avoid sprains works pretty well. There is a covered wrap can adjust how tight is probably more appropriate. Therefore you should consider whether you need the leg wrap (the kind available) or not.

10. Clothing: Choose clothes transient soft cotton roots neat move. Remember to bring two sets of a man wearing a set to replace, if possible, bring a sleeping is best. If rain should bring waterproof clothing is better because raincoat very difficult to move.

11. Caps headed: It is necessary to choose the wide brim floppy hat, straps for up to 2,500 meters altitude in which relatively strong wind. Should bring 1 to hooded wool cap, ear warmer bedtime and very good for your health.

12. Balo: Choose compact type strap backpack sure if the cord is very complex. Should take about 5-8 kg in backpack for easy moving. You should fully charge the batteries before the phone actually go and should bring one small bag for storing ninong phone and camera in case it rains.

13. Towels: To ensure the health to bring scarves when you sleep at altitude cold weather will warm neck scarf will be left in the forest district. can be used to wound. Do not forget to bring your towel and table coverings toothpaste, razors for the South.

14. Equipped with light: each person should carry one small flashlight good kind charged. If your purchase frog lamp type is best worn on the head for this kind charged approximately 8-10h bright again. For when we go to the toilet or go back in the room the night especially when such unfortunate incidents have come forward in the night, in the woods ... emergency mission to bring light freezing charged or type large capacity generators crazy small. Should bring candles for lighting during dinner can plug it into the bamboo then plug the ground

15. Camera: If you are not a professional photographer, you should bring forth the camera automatically shoot compact mini tour for very roots forest road collision in stone, trees should be given on how to wear over his chest, remember to bring a small plastic bag in case of rain will damage the camera

16. Contact information: You can use a cellphone in many ways. There are places where there are no waves. So here's the solution:
- Regulation before the signal contacts
- Regulation wait several stops, if there were diagrams
- Divided into groups come together if the mass
- Media support: whistles, radios, lights, fireworks, road marking
- Emergency Signal prespecified

17. Other Notes: Forest protection, environmental hygiene. Generally people have the real environmental protection especially tourism environment. To give fresh day green mountain forest green, clean and beautiful tourism sustainable development. You are the cultural tourists. So, would you please make some rules of the Hoang Lien National Park. Do not throw trash along the road, when you should give in garbage bag or backpack to each destination you entered bins. There were carved up, carved on a tree along the road. Do not arbitrarily cut down trees, particularly forest fires in the dry season.

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