Folk games of Moc Chau

Throw Pao is considered the traditional folk games, character of Mong ethnic people in the North West in general and in particular in Moc Chau. This is a long game that was passed down to the present day, the Mongolian view them as ageless, just sticking their lifetime. Pao was a result object to evidence of the couple's love Mong ethnic people.

Throwing games Pao is indispensable in traditional festivals, holidays of Mongolia, it is as well as the main game in the festivities as Lao Song Festival, the Festival offerings, Gau Tao festival. In the festival where very large concentration of people, tourists travel, everyone will want to try this game Throw Pao, they are excited, happily invite friends to play.

Throwing Games Pao attracted the couple attended, especially in these days of Independence in Moc Chau Tet, Khau Vai love market or the Sapa market by young boys and girls the opportunity to appear more, they often play together to find their own suitable lover. Woman Mongolia as to the festivities often bring their desired results by Pao will find a man matching his and they are also indispensable jewelery on their person.

Pao result of Mongolian woman was sewing up the pieces of linen with a left in, to just oranges. They left circle sewn linen and stuffed crust flaxseed or cotton inside. Woman Mongolia also very creative when making fruit Pao know many beautiful colors, they use state brocade or pieced together from pieces of fabric in various colors and used silk to create softness Pao fruit.

During the festival, people will put the game Mong pound on lands thrown wide and relatively flat. To join the game, players have to split into two teams, one male and female side with distance 5-7 meters. The skill of the shooter is not to give pao pao fell to the ground and get together in the covenant with many throws, the number of times caught pound, if party loses the right to sing a song or do something by double regulations prevail.

According to Mong ethnic people who have aged in the recount that is also known as fruit Pao Pao Pa results whether they are any more since, it has a very long time. They say the men Mongolia to find his wife, went to bring praise and Assembly are performing strongly praise dance show young men of the men, the women have to carry pounds for symmetrical results. Results showed soft pao, both games and items of women's jewelery in the revelry Mongolia. And this led Hmong woman must know how to make fruit Pao, must know as fruit woven linen se Pao, Pao made fruit must be soft. Mongolian man to find his wife, the first they see is the ability to weaving, embroidery and pound fruit. A good result, the pound have closed stitches, while impressive results not pound hard or too soft. A Mongolian woman irrepressible, they must know how to make fruit is good pounds.

When throwing Pao, is when boys and girls exchanged glances to each other smile. Along throw Pao and exchanged affectionate, dear sons when a girl does it hold for the excuse that fruit pound bird house or looking to meet girls to express feelings, to see where they will meet each other and become lovers. This is considered a character, humanity throwing Pao game. However, after the results became nostalgic Pao, anguish in her life because when they usually throw pound each other's first love will not be complete. These guys, when she can not get to each other after throwing Pao affair, they often see each other, find each other again in the days Khau Vai love market.

Games Throwing Pao ethnic Mongolian signature medium, the traditional folk games again express profound humanity.

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