Lai Chau Delicacies

Unlike dishes prosperous place bustling town, Laizhou not only beautiful scenery with rolling mountains, but there are other typical dishes; attractiveness of the Northwest. Lai Chau Cuisine is not simply delicious, but also contains the culture of each ethnic group, containing the soil and the people here.

Visit Lai Chau, enjoy the feeling of peace to live among simple village; simplicity, harmony in the beautiful space of Highlander, watching the radiant smiles of the girls high region, and enjoy the traditional dishes with tasty aftertaste scented with the fresh forest air and of Upland, ... Laizhou result is an ideal place for those who love traveling and wish to enjoy the mountain of dishes.

Purple sticky rice
Was created by the skillful hands of the Thai woman, Day, ... with its own secrets, from the scent of sticky plastic particles, undergo thorough processing stages, has produced fragrant purple sticky rice dishes tasty, appealing all the guests from near and far.
Flung purple violet characteristic of export plug tree, mingled with the sweet aroma of fragrant sticky and flexible, making those who had once tasted will never forget that taste.

To get the purple sticky rice dish delicious, people choose what kind of sticky and sweet scented, seed and grain are not, then washed, then soaked in water from 6 - hours. Take the leaves and branches of trees provide export plug-washed, boiled, wait until the water had turned purple and comparator is. Wait for the water to cool, then soak the glutinous rice added another 2 -3 hours. Then pour glutinous up trunk carved with figs, corn cooks. Wait until cooked sticky rice, sticky layers see tillers fresh purple color, glossy, supple but not sticky sticky beads, fragrant smell that you had been flung purple sweet dishes.

Amid the cold of winter, the day of the distant purple scented sure that one can hardly hold back the heart is.

Smoked pork
Traditional dish of some highland peoples in general and people in particular Na Phu, smoked pork dish is a unique mountain proteins with impressive taste.

Not any season you can also get smoked pork dish, but only winter you can do this stuff, because of the weather and climate in the northwest which are difficult to predict in advance, if they do not correct season smoky pork will not eat duoc.De do this dish smoked pork, pork is marinated period in a long time; about 5 - 7 days, then are hanging upstairs kitchen and smoked. Smoked until dry meat, fat is melted.
Pieces of pork after being smoked and fully cooked, we cut them up into bite size pieces to enjoy. Place to taste with the aroma of spices such as getting results merit, pepper, cardamom, ... and the special scent of smoke and sweet sweetness of the meat, but will definitely make you feel feel very interesting when tasted this dish.

Pigs steal armpit
Pigs steal armpit aka swine mezzanine, this is the pig species found only in the highlands, and the most in Lai Chau. From birth, they were released into the forest to earn a living. This pig species have very good stamina, they can survive in the forest to find food to eat. This pig birth can still run around and feed themselves are, they often follow their parents just a few days and then separated themselves. And particularly this pig species never go away, they just hang around at a certain distance.

Due to search for food, not raised or great care, so pigs are super slow steal large armpit. Each year we only 10kg maximum tang, then seemed to not increase anymore. Of pig feed was stolen armpit leaves, roots of trees, so their meat can not open, open bite had been sick and was not very tasty.
There are many ways to steal armpit pig into specialties such as duck, boiled, grilled, smoked, ... If you have the opportunity to Lai Chau, enjoy delicious dishes armpit stolen Balcony of you.

Fish ash buried the ball
Fish ash buried the ball, amazing food with the scent of lemongrass, ginger, .., a little spicy chili pepper and of, or of the line. Once tasted, you will feel the special fragrance of mountain spices are blended perfectly, all day long but not fat at all. Fish ash buried the ball is served with rice, sticky rice or used to target alcohol.

Flower Salad Shoots ban
If you had the opportunity once to Lai Chau, had the Thais, it would of course you will not forget the moment when sadly heard about emotional fable United Board - the network is, or when it is tasted contain enough food taste delicious.

The name seems to have said it all, but to get the dish Asparagus salad attractive flower bulb ban Thais in Lai Chau is not simple at all. Because beyond the ingenuity of ngừi processing, then chosing material of paramount importance.
Fold the pieces of mannequin to enjoy, feel and aroma-taste of grilled fish, a little bitter and a bit of fresh shoots of the flowers the day immediately ... very great indeed.

Salad vegetable sponge rock
Salad vegetable sponge rock, also known as "Pat quail", is the featured dish of the Northwest fellow Thais in general and in particular in Lai Chau.

To make salad vegetables swamps people picking tops tasty vegetable sponge rock, the buds, then washed, sun for re. Then the vegetables tied up in timber to pour, after about 20 minutes to nine vegetables and keep green. Rau single necessarily be dumped rather than boiled, so new fleshy and sweet hold of this salad. When the vegetables have cooked, take out, add spices such as chilli, lemon, ginger, .., then mix well and set aside for 5 minutes to be wet seasoning vegetables, and finally the crushed peanuts on . So did you get salad vegetables delicious menu.
Vegetable salad is the perfect application shall be considered as the user can feel the taste of vegetables packaging swamps distinct aroma of vegetables, sour and spicy with the other spices.

Mossy stone
Considered as an indispensable dish in wine tray betrothal ceremony of the couple of Thai people in Lai Chau, moss rock is processed into many different dishes such as soup stone moss; grilled moss; fried garlic leaf moss ...

To get delicious dishes moss requires processors to have patience and carefully. First have picked up moss, rinse carefully in clean water to remove all dirt (or remove moss on rocks or on the chopping block, the wood used to bike, so moss will clean as you like). Moss rocks after preliminarily processed will be dark blue, soft and cool. Then, during the primary processing stage, you'll get the dishes delicious and unique moss.

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