Things to note when traveling Hue

Hue is a famous city of Vietnam attached to many historical landmarks. The following are useful tips when traveling Hue

Thanks to the charming scenery of mountains and sea, dreaming, "Hue tourism" has appeared in travel plans, discovery of so many travelers. The experience following Hue tourism is essential for the ancient capital plan your discovery.

Hue is a famous city of Vietnam attached to many historical landmarks. The following are useful tips when traveling Hue.
You go along dulichvietnam.com.vn through some issues to keep in mind when traveling Hue offline!

Go ?
If you want to travel by plane, you can choose the destination is Da Nang airport or Phu Bai. Phu Bai Airport has daily flights to and from Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi.

Depending on the pocketbook and time of the visit, you can go to Hue by bus, train or plane. The best way is that you learn technique at the bus station, train station or agent of the airline tickets starting place to have a cheap Hue travel.

You can go to Hue to any point in the year, but if you like watching the sunset over the river should come in the summer, like walking, then avoid from May 10-12 (rain much time) to have a trip Hue calendar perfect.

Hotels at reasonable prices
The central area of Hue including routes Le Duan Street, Hung Vuong, ... You should base on his schedule there or rent hotel for ease of movement. Note should be booked prior to arrival.
According to the travel experience Hue hotel with a population stable prices backpacker hotel is the Citadel (imperial city), Dai Quang, Dang Quang, Dong Duong, Dong Li.

Hue food while traveling
Spicy food in Hue often so if someone does not eat spicy is it sure to prepare the food that is eaten.
At Hue there are many specialties: dirt cake, mushrooms, leaves, rice and beef noodle soup pork Hen .... and can purchase as a gift after the tour itinerary Hue Central to look at the good restaurants you may refer to people in the hotel you stay or trishaw.

Places to visit in Hue
In Hue mainly visited the mausoleum and Citadel, Thien Mu Pagoda. The tombs are often far apart and far from the city of Hue. If you do not give the baby away, you can rent a motorbike to go to make a tour of Hue with its meaning.
- When it comes to the tourist attractions of Hue, make sure you will not be able to ignore the Citadel.

- Tombs of the kings in Hue are associated with stories and interesting history of its own beauty, so your trip will certainly not perfect if you do not come see firsthand the ancient works This old. According to the travel experience of its Hue, the mausoleum is located in the position far apart and are not located in the city. Therefore, you should take a taxi or rental period if you want to be more active, can hire self-drive cars, or motorcycles for a tour to visit the mausoleum. Most notable to mention the tomb of Tu Duc Tomb of Khai Dinh and Minh Mang Tomb.

- Song Huong is a "gift" that nature has donated to Hue deals. With only 50,000, you can buy a ticket to watch the boat of Hue seems to shimmer and ca tru singing heard in a windy evening on the river.

- Ngu Binh Mountain as a "gift" that nature has bestowed Hue. Ngu Binh Mountain and the river is the natural symbol of Hue. From atop Mount Ngu, you can see the landmarks and scenery surrounding romantic nature.

In addition to the above landmarks, many other famous sites but if there is more time to tour Hue, you should go out as: White Horse Mountain, Hon Chen, art museums Supply Dinh Hue, Dong Ba Market, Thien Mu Pagoda, Lang Co Beach, Vong Canh Hill, Thuan An Beach, Ocean Beach Scene.

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