Vietnam Travel Experiences

S-shaped strip of land which is gentle inspiration not only for poets but also with almost all children of the country, everyone is looking forward to a visit to experience and explore the Strip "has just familiar strangers" This trade body

Experience tour throughout Vietnam safe
- A guidebook of local natural resources, history, culture, local economy, applications for tourists.
- Cameras and camcorders.
- Luggage
Guests traveling through Vietnam to carry luggage with criteria: compact, simple to avoid carrying nhieu.Chi should bring enough of essential personal belongings, books, travel guides, camera / camcorder, the plastic bags to store your phone, wallet, camera in case it rains. You should also carry some medicines such as abdominal pain, fever medication, allergy medication wind oil ...

Dining Experience
Daily, careful about eating well has always been everyone's attention, in steps as travel should be more careful. So far road travel, while long, many days when it was ready for, to protect the health of peace is paramount of tourists traveling through Vietnam.
Do not eat these foods raw, rare, strange food (many strangers may colic).
Limit ice cold, pure water should only drink pasteurized and bottled.
Do not eat too full stomach.
There is a tour through Vietnam experience for you to find restaurants along the way as you can find restaurants with local crowds arrive (by looking at the license plate before customs), or should ask local people delicious eateries, other cheap.

Trans Travel Vietnam - Hue
Traveling through Vietnam and explore the beauty regions
On the road to travel read Xuyen Vietnam, there are noteworthy phenomenon, weather this place different from other places and can change abruptly at each session of the day. You should pay attention:
Subscribe to news weather forecasts on the radio show and broadcasting.
Track temperature on moving vehicles or in places such as hotel accommodation, restaurant, if available.
Prepare to adapt to weather the shortcomings (room with raincoats, jackets, sweaters).
If you feel a little weak body, so preventive medication (including antibiotics as Tetracycline00mg to prevent infections in food, drinks).
So soon after sleeping every way to recharge.
- Be polite in speech and behavior, display good harmony, solidarity, mutual love with all the other passengers.

Trans Travel Vietnam - Ben Thanh Market
Trans Travel Vietnam to Ben Thanh market discover the largest commercial centers nationwide
Vietnam real conditions, is difficult to say that the trans-Vietnam tour would secure entirely by the program through Vietnam ...... pointed to, whether by a professional organization or by an individual Plan's draft privacy experience, are targeting "safe and effective is as much as, well as long as that."
You should also be wary before by not always program also takes place at will, can have unfortunate things happened along the way, then do not rush charge of organizing the tour that they stay calm and resolve offline .

Value of Trans-Vietnam tour
Trans-Vietnam does not mean simply "hang out here for several days," which simply means "the rest of discovery".
 It is important to discover the cultural and regional identity in order to gain more knowledge and a better understanding of his people so you do not put heavy thing to luxury accommodation, beautiful place. The more you live close to local people the more you discover new things but in four white walls with conditioning air-conditioned luxury hotel can not do that.

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