An Giang Specialty Cake jaggery

Located in the top 50 specialty gift Vietnam by Vietnam record Organization announced, jaggery is a famous product of An Giang province, which once known can not forget ...

Palm tree tied to the life of the Khmer people, Khmer families almost always have from several kilometers to several tens of palm trees, which, jaggery is not only a famous specialties but also a largest source of income of the people, especially in the Tinh Bien Giang, tourists over here are buying less jaggery as a gift.

Jaggery is cooked sugars from nectar of palm, elaborate stages and much work pretty hard, especially the improvisation stage density (honey obtained from immature cotton mo including both male flowers blossom one of the palm tree). To get the water in, sweet, not sour to make scrumptious sugar should be careful in every stage. When inspiration is confidential and must embark on cooking right way, if for longer than one day will have a sour smell reducing sugar quality. After being filtered bile in all impurities and then cooked until thick again, let cool and then poured into the mold is completed.

Jaggery bland, sweet bars are wrapped in palm leaves looking like banh tet moves beautifully. Specifically, in addition to mild sweetness, jaggery also gives people enjoy the fat, while eating very prone to "grind". Although jaggery less sweeter than sugar made from other raw materials, but more fragrant and perhaps because yields fewer jaggery should also more precious.

This sweet, delicious jaggery very suitable for cooking tea. Green bean porridge will taste refreshing, sweet softer, green beans taste of locusts is thus also very attractive when cooked with jaggery. Main refreshing taste of jaggery making the dish more delicious and also has a cooling effect and treatment of pharyngitis. if a sore throat or dry throat burning just chew a small piece of jaggery notes will feel ngay.Viec jaggery production mainly made according to traditional methods, so the final product is often not to be too two months. In order to produce the bar clean lines, pure, and can use long, the request must ensure the confidentiality, no impurities or use bleach.

Currently has production facilities jaggery procurement contract with farmers to strict control from raw materials input, and investing in infrastructure and processing equipment and production Standards ensure food safety for products marketed quality jaggery cao.Nam 2012, in order to discover and honor the products have quality, high value uses, potential the development of production capacity, market expansion, meet the tastes of consumers at home and abroad, voted in industrial products typical rural province, the jaggery An Giang was voted is the provincial rural industry.

Not only is the raw material for use in cooking or tea additives give the glass of water with a natural sweetness, jaggery also be used as a spice tasting in other dishes, such as sauces , fish warehouses ... Contributing to enriching the manual processing spices dishes of the Vietnamese, Khmer jaggery are becoming more familiar to consumers. Sweetness, refreshing of jaggery also as a "spice soul", feels sweet, refreshing in life whenever enjoying the dish taste special.

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