Lao Cai paddy season

Lao Cai is one of the provinces with the most beautiful vantage point Northwest yellow rice, a prosperous gold season crisp throughout this upland paths

September when the rice fields in Mu Cang Chai (Yen Bai) is still green, the Hoang Su Phi, Xin Man (Ha Giang) start changing color. Than Uyen Tan Uyen (Laizhou) even new, the flowering terraces of Lao Cai around harvest is ripe in the spotlight of world tourism, people phượt and manipulator.

Only about 28 km from Sapa. Giang Ta aneurysm is the ancient land of the Mong ethnic people residing at the foot of Ngu Chi Son mountains in the form of 5 fingers pointing skyward. In recent years these extreme sites attract tourists, especially alpinist come though roads remain difficult.

Hi Ta Giang aneurysm to continue journey through Japan Xèo to come with terraces in Muong Hum, is one of three areas most interested in rice after Sapa and Lao Cai Y Ty. The first day of September, around the valley of Muong Hum is a green - yellow of prosperity.

Only about 7 km from Muong Hum Nam Pung commune but very few people know about. Only avenues of full macadam go soaring into the Nam Pung led to then come down a beautiful valley completely separate from the outside. The system streams flowing into a lake surrounded by terraced hills creating a scene not mixed with any other region.

View of a morning wake up was witnessed paddy valleys hidden in the clouds above the table shy from Muong Hum natural way to Sang Ma Sao commune.

The road paddy after rain, clouds and rolling mountains still married sinuous legs pilgrims hold.

Humans too small before the morning far gold season. Lao Cai everywhere around this season is the season of "prosperity and affluence".

The terraced fields of Y Ty - a famous landmark and tourist attraction when coming to Lao Cai - will never be disappointed by height, spread and its grandeur. And nothing better than when properly ripe paddy season is leisurely ride through the streets, the children pass submerged in grain.

"Doc A Lu" is a strip of land running parallel upland borders Vietnam - China until headwater streams Lung Po confluence into the Red River upstream flow of Vietnamese soil. And the "Doc A Lu, Y fog Rat" was the saying goes long in Bat Xat district, to see that this is one of the most beautiful landscapes and the pride of Lao Cai province.

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