Thanh Nha Ho

Built with stone slabs 1.5 m long average, have broken up to 6 m, stacked without adhesives, more than 600 years, the system of the walled city of Ho is still quite intact .

Members present house is located on the second Hu Vinh Tien and Vinh Long (Vinh Loc, Thanh Hoa). This is the unique stone architecture unique in Vietnam. Ho Quy Ly to be built in 1397, this city is also called Tay Do (or Tay Giai) to distinguish Dong Do (Thang Long - Hanoi). Built the city, Ho Quy Ly was moved from Thang Long on Tay.
According to historical documents, in 1397, the country was in danger of Minh enemy invasion from the north, Ho Quy Ly chose An Ton land (now Vinh Loc, Thanh Hoa province) to build the city in preparation for an long resistance, as well as a way to guide people's hearts break with the Tran.

The land is located in the area choose between Ma and Buoi river in northern Turkey Statue Mountain, Crouching western Taurus Mountains, east of Black Mountain Canis, a venue south of Ma and Buoi rivers.

Ho dynasty includes 3 parts, La city, Hao into and Citadel. La into the outer ring, about 4 km perimeter. Moat dug around the four outer urban, sincerely follow the direction of about 50 m. This work has the task of protecting the inner city.

The Citadel was built on the plan of nearly square shape. Afternoon North - South length 870.5 m, dimensional East - West 883.5 meters long. Four main gates under South - North - West - East called the gate money - Hau - Ta - Friends. Each door is open in the center. The portal is built on the architecture of the dome shaped. The stone on the arch shape chiseled citrus grapefruit, ranked close to each other.

Gate money (south gate) is the main entrance, with three doors. Between 5.82 m wide door, 5.75 meters high, 5.45 m wide double door, 5.35 meters high. The three remaining ports only one door. Walls average height of 5-6 m, the highest spot is 10 m high gate money.
South gate is connected with jasmine road (Royal Road), approximately 2.5 km long stone towards Nam Giao Esplanade (where the king sacrificed) was built in March 8/1402.

The entire wall and four main gates were built with limestone slabs blue, finely carved, rectangular, stacked close to each other. The average stone 1.5m long, with up to 6 m long sheets, weighing 24 tons weight estimate. Total volume of stone used to build the approximately 20,000 m3 and 100,000 m3 of earth were dug close up elaborately.

The stone weighs a ton just piling up without adhesive while ensuring sustainability. Through more than 600 years with the ups and downs of history and the impact of weather, the wall system relatively intact, though time building very rapidly, within about 3 months.

According to history books in a lot of work still to be built, as electricity Hoang Nguyen, Dien Tho supply (accommodation of Ho Quy Ly), East Palace, West Thai Mieu, Thai temple east, Ky Tho mountain, statues .. . very palatial, is like the capital of Thang Long.
However, over the last 600 years, most buildings inside citadel was destroyed. These vestiges of the ancient foundations of the palace is still nestled beneath the rice fields of the people around the area.

On 27/6, at the 35th session of the World Heritage Committee of the Organization for Culture, Science and Education of the United Nations (UNESCO) held in Paris (France), into the lake was recognized as a world cultural heritage.

Mr. Vuong Van Vietnam, Vice Chairman of Thanh Hoa said, next time, the province will deploy synchronized multiple solutions to protect and promote the historical value of this monument. In the immediate future the province will implement the conservation, repair, restore rule of law cultural heritage of Vietnam and the International Convention on World Heritage, continues to build and submit for approval a conservation plan , restoration of this heritage.

Then the province will cooperate with authorities gradually archaeological excavations, called for investment resources to increase the attractiveness monuments and attractions. "Along with Hue, the Imperial Citadel of Thang Long, Thanh Hoa province are honored and proud to be a capital city is recognized as a world cultural heritage," said Vietnam emphasized.

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