Attractive with Xoi 7 colors

In addition to spectacular colors, cuisine also means away deeply spiritual, are ethnic Nung Din (Muong Khuong, Lao Cai) all maintained to preserve and cherish.Lao Cai to the fair, in addition to image the girls loose on their pulse lush colorful dresses, you are easily caught the seven colored plastic baskets scented sticky rice, upland tasty.
Five-color sticky, sticky seven cultural identity is many peoples Northwest. Muong Khuong Nung Din has its own legend about his distant seven colors. Stories associated with historic preservation early ancient homeland. Each color represents a month away in the fight against foreign invaders 7 months ever occurred on this land of heroes. Ginger green is the color of spring, crimson blood symbolizes the heroes who sacrificed, yellow canopy li painful, bright red symbolizes the heroic victory of the Nung Din ...

More specifically, the seven colors of the away colors are not created by any chemical or color products, all from the hand dexterity, creativity and understanding of flowers and leaves, the woman Nung Din that success. The colors are often made from sticky leaves of trees are available as red-black leaves, yellow flowers, leaves or flowers cam technology, blending a feat.
Sticky rice cooked glutinous nor milky bead type as usual but to take refuge Granulated sticky, long. Before cooking, soak glutinous water to about 12 hours, soak the leaves for about 3 hours and then cooked for about 2 hours, then all those gaudy get away delicious hours.
Seven color-flung flavors are not only flexible but also the aroma of fragrant glutinous upland, forest leaves pungent taste, simplicity and loving. Anyone who has ever enjoyed the taste can not forget that mountain. Delicious sticky rice usually served with black sesame and grilled chicken. One way divert mountains of smog table, listening to the sweet spiraling up into the nasal cavity oral cavity tree that shows how strange euphoria.
Nung Din said that eat away seven colors into the new year will be lucky. It is also an indispensable dish for 1/7 day lunar calendar, day of remembrance for the war against the enemy lasted 7 months old when his father.

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