Famous relics in Hue

Hue, central intestines of the country, located between ground sheet Lau River to Hai Van Pass is a land with a rich history and culture with many famous scenic spots: the Perfume River, Ngu Mountain, Tiantai, Bach, ... also is home to many historic revolution shall live forever with time. Through the changes of history, land on Hue people always suffer the harsh challenges of nature and history of resisting foreign aggression. The essence is summed up from the ages has become the treasures contained inside the monument, is to be exploited, used and promoted.

Relics of Hue Citadel - World Cultural Heritage
Hue in narrow areas, few are blessed. Weathered harsh, constant war. In the process of formation, in addition Hue natives also permanent residents from North to money, from south and coastal residents up and down from on high land.

Hue is the junction between two climate zones South - North. In the gardens of Hue are the fruit of two South - North. Quality music rooted in northern Hue have nuances Cham South. So the color of Hue ancient rest is the integration, acquisition, inheritance and development of both regions.
From the sixteenth century, due to fluctuations in the nation's history, so many Vietnamese communities, Cham and other ethnic groups took out a continuous wave of immigration that typified the "Southward" the biggest by Lord Nguyen Hoang Hoa Thuan defend the land in 1558.

For nearly 400 years (1558-1945), Hue was the capital of the Nguyen Lords in Cochin (1306). As the capital of the Tay Son dynasty, then the state of the Nguyen Dynasty. Hue today still preserved in the heart of the cultural heritage and the intangible object contains symbolic value intellect and soul of the people of Vietnam. Over the centuries, many of the country's elite refined forged converge here for a culture deeply imbued to complete an amazing natural picture with mountain river charming poetic. Therefore, say to Hue, people think of the citadel, palaces, golden, temple dancers of splendid palaces, majestic tombs, the ancient meditative spots u presidents, the winner due to natural area However cleverly created.

On the basis of the material and the spirit has been formed in Hue from the beginning of the fourteenth century, the Nguyen Lords (XVI-XVIII centuries), the Tay Son dynasty (late eighteenth century) and the Nguyen Dynasty (1802-1945) has continued to promote and build up in the Hue a priceless cultural asset. The best example is the relics of Hue was listed as UNESCO World Cultural Heritage by UNESCO.

Located in the heart of Hue city, the north side of the river flowing through from west to east, three of interlocking buildings are arranged symmetrically on the surface along the longitudinal axis to the south. System of walls here is a model of harmonious combination delicate interplay between architectural elite East and West, is set in a wonderful natural scenery with many symbolic elements available to the human nature tacitly considered as the part of the Hue Citadel - that is Ngu Binh Mountain, Perfume River, alcohols Gia Vien, asthma ... Seen from the opposite side, the architecture here as blend into nature creating magical rhythm makes people forget the human hand acted on it.
Is limited by a ring wall near the square (approximately 600m each way) with 4 entrances but most unique are commonly used as symbol of the Citadel: Ngo Mon Gate, was the supreme administrative area of ​​the Nguyen .

Each tomb of King Nguyen reflects the life and personality of the owners are resting: Gia Long Tomb monumental rustic but between the immense forest mountain view gas smell of a war hero general in battle; average majestic Minh Mang posted to adjust the mountains lakes, skillfully embellished, would be able to see even the mind of great hero of a talented politician and dignified personality of a poet regulated; Thieu Tri mausoleum of deep, deep medium between a lonely place not copper rods, also partly reflected the mind of a super Vietnamese poets in the literature but no connection is even money in political life; Khai Dinh tomb is like a castle in Europe (built in concrete on a ridge); Dong Khanh Tomb blend architecture with Europe - Asia; Tu Duc poetic lyricism is created primarily by the sophistication of the people, the scenery here reminds visitors of an image that I have heavy human compassion by the enthusiasm of a king is not done through weak personality of a poet ...

Besides the citadel, palaces, magnificent tombs, Hue was kept inside as many unique structures associated with the institution of imperial but a coordination of space came to the top High of harmony in composition. Along with robust protection Citadel Quadrilateral, Binh Thanh Tran Language waterway project, Zhenhai City defending the sea, Hai Van Quan Road south of defense, a bastion system of the capital, but not much one paid attention to its military features for art of architecture reached a peak. Interwoven between the region unique architectural landscape that, we also have Nam Giao - the god king; Xa Tac - where worship of earth, the rice; Ho Quyen - unique arena for elephants and tigers; Literature - worshiping Confucius and beer carved up the name Dr. writer Nguyen; Martial Mieu- worshiping the ancient generals and building name doctoral steles martial; Hon Chen - where Thien YA Na Sacred sample ... and through many successes related to the dynasty built harmony in the famous natural attractions such as the Perfume River, Ngu Mountain, Vong Canh, Tiantai, Tiananmen, Doors Conveniently ... really is the beautiful water garden paintings.

Hue gardens existed dwell reputation as Ngu Vien, Optics Letters, Changning, Thieu Phuong ... The architectural style gardens here are spread everywhere in folklore, combined with existing elements, gradually đần shaping a particular type of food growers Hue. This is the city of the garden houses with majestic architecture, old houses hidden among peaceful neighbors wards inside Citadel. Each garden houses the shades of the Hue Citadel miniature, also fronts instead Ngu Mountain and water tanks that line the Perfume, sometimes instead of alcohol boulder clusters Nature Park, Boc Thanh ... all elements conviction post-occipital, left long, organic tiger ... the four seasons of fruit, chirping birds sing, that space is also the world of the guest poets wore for soaking wet bays, where Hue oratorio singing and plaintive as Nam Binh, Nam Ai ... in the cool breeze and bright moon night.

Almost a half century was the capital of a feudal dynasty with political institutions based on Confucianism, once the capital of Buddhism for a while, beside the splendid architecture golden palace, Hue also keeping hundreds of deep ancient temple, peace between the desolate mountains, u president. Mr. Amadou Mahtar M'bow - Former General Director of UNESCO, was very subtle when making a comment in the call for the campaigning protect, maintain, repair and restoration of cultural heritage of Hue: "But Hue is not just an architectural model, but also a spiritual peak and a vibrant cultural center - where Buddhism and Confucianism have been rooted, traditional regulation on local shellfish, nurturing a religious ideology, philosophy and ethics very unique ".

Tied to a feudal dynasty compliance rules definitely Confucian philosophy, and music festivals in the region scribes developed extremely rich and ethnic style. Te court shall have Giao ceremony, Xa Tac International, New Year holidays, the ramp ceremony, ceremony Longevity, the Grand Dynasty, Dynasty Commercial ceremony, celebration Care Board, the Transmission Unit, the parade ... Every festival has the formal step that its soul is royal ritual music. Folk also diversified the types of festivals: the Hon Chen Temple Festival, Cau Ngu festival, festival Bloated animal, boat racing festival, the festival of family health, health shrines ... linked to the type of festival is these ritual forms of folk music colorful looks like. Coexistence with nature line ritual music, musical forms entertaining pastime of Hue is also known as a world imbued with the typical character of a cultural region, rustic purity and particular unmixed. It was the dance Hue, Hue classical drama productions, Hue songs which today has become the spiritual food is indispensable in a visit to the ancient capital of tourists every domain. Hue today still trying with all possibilities to preserve the essence of traditional culture of the nation, trying to preserve the art form created by the intellectual enthusiasm of our ancestors, trying to recover the value precious spirit of his father left.

With a tangible cultural heritage and spiritual significance combat national spirit of the nation, Hue is a unique cultural phenomenon of Vietnam and the world. With a great conservation work according to the highest standards of world heritage, cultural treasures Hue will bloom the flower more art. Hue will forever be preserved - to Vietnam and the world, forever is our pride.

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