The pristine beauty of Hon Tam island – Nha Trang
Guests can admire the fine white sand stretches, numerous offshore islands and numerous coral reefs beneath the ocean fantasy.

Trang beach city is seen as a dynamic, energetic and open new paths, new bridge construction, seaside resorts, new projects are changes every day and especially gentle man, relatives neuter. What Nha Trang has had to leave the impression for visitors collect even set foot here only once ...

Nature has been very favorably when given to the coastal city of Nha Trang what a South Central coast may have. From beaches with fine white sand stretches to the island off the stunning, from the magical coral reefs beneath the ocean to the temple of the ancient Cham mountain moss ...

If you have the opportunity to observe the coastal city of Nha Trang from above, you will see all the beauty of the city, the beach bend embrace emerald bay. Seaside, coconut trees and the trees in the wind crunch as the beauty of the sea ecstatic.

One of the landscapes of Nha Trang Hon Tam. Hon Tam tourist attraction by the lush tropical forest cover, long white sandy beaches ... The island nestled between the green of fresh sea water and cool.

With an area measuring 110 hectares, is located in Nha Trang Bay four seasons blue sea, sunshine and wind, Tam island from the mainland for about 7 km to the southeast of the city of Nha Trang (canoe, you will lose about 8-minute, 25-minute train ride from hotel). By the Hon Tam, the most interesting thing is that visitors get their drop on the sunny golden sand wind, or try red sunset evening, or take a fishing rod sea "leaning bolsters need" ... to flush away the noises of the town and many of the busy work and everyday life.

Tourist attractions in Nha Trang are not only attracted by the blue sky, white sand, fresh air, but also appealing from the game thrills: drag parachute, jet ski, windsurfing, water-skiing , exploring coral ... Coral is one of the marvelous ecosystem of the sea. Where deeper, farther shore, the more beautiful corals. Coral, sea grass, seaweed gathered in fields covered hillsides or under the sea. There are coral ivory carpet, at the beginning of each branch bright yellow as the flowers. Sometimes the coral valley catching multicolored anemone gardens as white, white body red flame, green ... looks like the soft grass swaying in the water.

Coral reefs are also the "catwalk" of the aquarium. They dressed in his blood colored outfits example, dark blue, white, yellow cavity ... then circling clouds of soft anemones. You will be instructed to use diving equipment, methods against earache, breathing Scuba ... coaching staff will follow up with you during navigation. There are corals a year only about a centimeter longer. For outstanding coral park today, nature takes hundreds of years to form. So please behave with coral so true to the culture of the sea.

Come to Hon Tam, you not only get to enjoy many games bring excitement, delight was bathing in cool waters as blue as sapphires, which also enjoy a wide variety of fresh seafood fit caught and processed in the restaurant adjacent to the beach.

Located between the blue waters of Nha Trang Bay with four season sunny and windy, Hon Tam is a place for people to find moments of relaxation, tranquility, escape from the messy worries of modern life ...

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